Actinomycosis is a slowly progressive, chronic infectious disease. It is caused by the genus Actinomyces, which are gram-positive anae-robic bacteria. It presents as a mass-like lesion, composed of bacterial nidus and characteristic granulomatous inflammatory fibrosis. As such, it has frequently been mistaken for a malignancy. Surgical resection is a common procedure in these patients prior to a definite diagnosis. Although actinomycosis can occur in a variety of regions, including oral-cervicofacial, thoracic, and abdominopelvic cavities, the involvement of the pancreas is very rare. We report a case of a 44-year-old male with a symptomatic actinomycosis caused by a mass in the tail of the pancreas. The diagnosis was made using an endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy without surgical resection. After the treatment with antibiotics, the pancreatic mass was confirmed to be resolved on the follow-up computed tomography.
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