Journal List > Korean J Gastroenterol > v.63(6) > 1007244

Choi, Park, and Lee: Analysis of a Blog for Gastrointestinal Disease in the View Point of the Big Data: A Single Institutional Study



With the enormous increase in the amount of data, the concept of big data has emerged and this allows us to gain new insights and appreciate its value. However, analysis related to gastrointestinal diseases in the viewpoint of the big data has not been performed yet in Korea. This study analyzed the data of the blog's visitors as a set of big data to investigate questions they did not mention in the clinical situation.


We analyzed the blog of a professor whose subspecialty is gastroenterology at Gangnam Severance Hospital. We assessed the changes in the number of visitors, access path of visitors, and the queries from January 2011 to December 2013.


A total of 50,084 visitors gained accessed to the blog. An average of 1,535.3 people visited the blog per month and 49.5 people per day. The number of visitors and the cumulative number of registered posts showed a positive correlation. The most utilized access path of visitors to the website was (42.2%), followed by Google (32.8%) and Daum (6.6%). The most searched term by the visitors in the blog was intestinal metaplasia (16.6%), followed by dizziness (8.3%) and gastric submucosal tumor (7.0%).


Personal blog can function as a communication route for patients with digestive diseases. The most frequently searched word necessitating explanation and education was ‘intestinal metaplasia'. Identifying and analyzing even unstructured data as a set of big data is expected to provide meaningful information.


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Fig. 1.
Understanding of digestive disease. There are various posts about digestive disease in blog.
Fig. 2.
The correlation between accumulation of posts and the number of monthly visitors. Two variables show a positive correlation, R=0.878 (p<0.01).
Table 1.
Blog Statistics (Based on September 2013)
Blog name Visitor (n) Post (n)
Blog 1 a 41,935 79
Blog 2 4,118 3
Blog 3 3,578 4
Blog 4 22,804 42
Blog 5 20,385 12
Blog 6 27,291 23
Blog 7 12,288 54
Blog 8 5,870 6
Blog 9 13,509 14
Blog 10 13,039 28
Blog 11 6,215 3
Blog 12 12,905 46
Blog 13 860 1

a This blog was analyzed in our study.

Table 2.
Blog Contents
Category Post (n)
Profile 1 (1.2)
Press release Poetry and essays 17 (20.2) 19 (22.6)
Understanding of digestive disease 37 (44.0)
Esophagus 7 (8.3)
Stomach 13 (15.5)
Colon 14 (16.7)
Others 3 (3.6)
Patients experience 10 (12.0)

Values are presented as n (%).

Table 3.
Ranking on the Access Path of Visitors
Site Access path (n)
1. 10,772 (42.2)
2. 8,356 (32.8)
3. 1,681 (6.6)
4. 1,098 (4.3)
5. 776 (3.0)
6. 521 (2.0)
7. 487 (1.9)
8. 360 (1.4)
9. 251 (1.0)
10. 191 (0.7)

Values are presented as n (%).

Table 4.
Ranking on Searching Words in the Blog
Query Searching word (n)
1. Intestinal metaplasia 222 (16.6)
2. Symptom of dizziness 111 (8.3)
3. Gastric submucosal tumor 94 (7.0)
4. Diverticulitis/ Colonic diverticulosis 82 (6.1)
5. Carcinoid tumor 57 (4.3)
6. Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma 30 (2.2)
7. Crohn's disease 27 (2.0)
8. Barrett's esophagus 20 (1.5)
9. Dyspepsia 15 (1.1)
10. Achalasia 9 (0.7)

Values are presented as n (%).

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