Journal List > Korean J Gastroenterol > v.62(2) > 1007191

Kim, Kim, Kim, Kwon, Oh, Cha, Ok, Kwak, Kim, and Moon: A Prospective Study of Factors Influencing on the Clinical Characteristics of Colonic Diverticulosis



The prevalence of colonic diverticulosis in Korea is increasing in conjunction with the adoption of western dietary pattern, extension of lifespan, and advances in diagnostic modalities. The clinical characteristics of colonic diverticulosis seem to be gradually becoming similar to those of Western societies. Therefore, factors associated with the clinical characteristics of colonic diverticulosis in Korea were investigated.


The data of 200 patients diagnosed with colonic diverticulosis using colonoscopy between May 2010 and April 2012 at Inje University Seoul Paik Hospital (Seoul, Korea) were prospectively collected. Clinical parameters acquired through a questionnaire include age, body mass index, waist circumference, exercise, diet, smoking, drinking habits, etc. Correlation between these factors and the clinical features of diverticulosis were analyzed.


Mean age of the patients was 54.9±11.9 (range 17–79) years and male to female ratio was 2.2:1. Most diverticula were located on the right side of the colon (83%) and the mean number of diverticulum was 4.07±3.9. Factor associated with the location of diverticulum on the left side was age (p=0.001). There was a positive correlation between the waist circumference and the number of diverticulum (partial correlation coefficient r'=0.143, p=0.047). Diverticulitis occurred more frequently in younger patients than in older patients (p=0.002).


Colonic diverticulosis in older patients is found more frequently on the left colon, and the number of diverticulosis is associated with central obesity.


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Fig. 1.
Age distribution of the patients with colonic diverticulosis. The percentage of patients with colonic diverticulosis increases with advancing age and peaks in the 50–59 year age group.
Fig. 2.
Number of colonic diverticulum. The most common number of colonic diverticulum ranges from 2 to 5.
Table 1.
Scores on Corrected Mini Dietary Assessment Index
Index Almost always Occasionally Seldom
 1. Eat vegetables except Kimchi every meal 5 3 1
 2. Eat one serving size of fruit or fruit juice everyday 5 3 1
 1. Eat more than one serving size of fried or stir-fried food every two days 1 3 5
 2. Eat more than one serving size of fatty meat every three days 1 3 5
 3. Eat more than one serving size of snack or dessert everyday 1 3 5
Table 2.
Univariate Analysis of the Variables Associated with the Location of Colonic Diverticulum
Variable Location of diverticulum p-value
Right Left
Gender     0.007
 Male 117 (94.4) 7 (5.6)  
 Female 49 (81.7) 11 (18.3)  
Age (yr) 53.4±11.84 65.3±8.01 0.000
Corrected MDA score 12.4±4.25 12.0±3.77 0.734
BMI (kg/m2) 24.0±2.96 23.7±3.11 0.702
Waist measurement (inch) 32.1±3.20 31.4±2.83 0.420
Smoking (pack-yr)     0.009
 Nonsmoker 71 (82.6) 15 (17.4)  
 1–5 8 (88.9) 1 (11.1)  
 6–10 15 (100) 0 (0)  
 >10 72 (97.3) 2 (2.7)  
Exercise (day/wk)     0.268
 None exercise 68 (94.4) 4 (5.6)  
 <3 41 (83.7) 5 (16.3)  
 ≥3 57 (86.4) 9 (13.6)  
Alcohol (g/mo)     0.047
 Nondrinker 52 (82.5) 11 (17.5)  
 <315 47 (90.4) 5 (9.6)  
 316–630 26 (96.3) 1 (3.7)  
 ≥630 41 (97.6) 1 (2.4)  

Values are expressed as n (%) or mean±SD.

MDA, mini dietary assessment.

Pack yr=(packs smoked per day)×(years as a smoker).

Table 3.
Multivariate Analysis of the Variables That Associated with Left Side Location of Colonic Diverticulum by Logistic Regression Analysis
Variable OR CI p-value
 Male 1    
 Female 3.494 0.659–18.519 0.141
Age (yr) 1.141 1.054–1.235 0.001
Corrected MDA score      
 5–9 1    
 10–15 1.391 0.316–6.119 0.662
 16–20 1.805 0.195–16.741 0.603
 >20 0.000 0.000 0.999
BMI (kg/m2)      
 <22 1    
 22–25 1.261 0.270–5.888 0.768
 >25 1.138 0.195–6.629 0.886
Waist measurement (inch)      
 <34 1    
 ≥34 0.793 0.139–4.543 0.795
Smoking (pack-yr)      
 Nonsmoker 1    
 1–5 2.108 0.129–34.496 0.601
 6–10 0.000 0.000 0.998
 >10 0.254 0.038–1.718 0.160
Exercise (day/wk)      
 None exercise 1    
 <3 2.739 0.511–14.672 0.239
 ≥3 2.483 0.508–12.130 0.261
Alcohol (g/mo)      
 Nondrinker 1    
 <315 0.890 0.191–4.137 0.881
 316–630 0.675 0.062–7.318 0.747
 ≥630 1.038 0.111–17.244 0.802

MDA, mini dietary assessment.

Pack yr=(packs smoked per day)×(years as a smoker).

Table 4.
Univariate Analysis after Adjustment for Other Variables That Can Be Associated with Number of Colonic Diverticulum
Variable Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) p-value Partial correlation coefficeient (r') p-value
Gender −0.095 0.183 0.028 0.694
Age (yr) 0.128 0.071 0.109 0.132
Corrected MDA score 0.089 0.209 0.049 0.502
BMI (kg/m2) 0.082 0.246 −0.052 0.476
Waist measurement 0.219 0.002 0.143 0.047
Smoking 0.097 0.172 −0.020 0.785
Exercise −0.011 0.874 −0.018 0.806
Alcohol 0.121 0.087 0.084 0.244

MDA, mini dietary assessment.

Table 5.
Multivariate Analysis of the Variables That Associated with Colonic Diverticulitis by Logistic Regression Analysis
Variable OR CI p-value
 Male 1    
 Female 1.185 0.221–6.352 0.843
Age (yr)      
 <40 1    
 40–50 0.247 0.028–2.168 0.207
 50–60 0.114 0.017–0.766 0.025
 ≥60 0.014 0.001–0.201 0.002
Location of diverticulum      
 Both 1    
 Right 2.064 0.225–18.913 0.521
 Left 0.000 0.000 0.998
Number of diverticulum      
 1 1    
 2–5 1.428 0.294–6.936 0.659
 6–10 1.180 0.083–16.821 0.903
 >11 6.188 0.724–52.933 0.096
Corrected MDA score      
 5–9 1    
 10–15 2.748 0.576–13.122 0.205
 16–20 0.690 0.047–10.205 0.787
 >20 3.216 0.131–79.263 0.475
BMI (kg/m2)      
 <22 1    
 22–25 0.709 0.143–3.452 0.675
 ≥25 0.230 0.029–1.805 0.162
Waist measurement (inch)      
 <34 1    
 ≥34 1.511 0.207–11.030 0.684
Smoking (pack-yr)      
 Nonsmoker 1    
 1–5 0.352 0.023–5.420 0.454
 6–10 0.215 0.010–4.791 0.331
 >10 0.209 0.025–1726 0.146
Exercise (day/wk)      
 None exercise 1    
 <3 0.858 0.177–4160 0.849
 ≥3 0.983 0.200–4.824 0.983
Alcohol (g/mo)      
 Nondrinker 1    
 <315 0.454 0.078–2.644 0.380
 316–630 0.187 0.009–3.815 0.276
 ≥630 1.916 0.298–12.335 0.494

MDA, mini dietary assessment.

Pack-yr=(packs smoked per day)×(years as a smoker).


You Sun Kim

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