Journal List > Korean J Obstet Gynecol > v.53(9) > 1006476

Kim, Hwang, Park, Lee, Han, Kim, Kim, Ro, and Lee: Basal cell carcinoma of the vulva: A case report


Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common human malignant neoplasm, accounting for 75% of all non-melanoma skin cancer. The incidence of BCC is strongly correlated with sun exposure as well as older age. Therefore, the vast majority of BCCs is observed in elderly patients on the sun-exposed skin of the head and neck with a frequency of more than 80%. BCC is very rare on sun-protected skin such as the perianal and genital regions and other etiologic factors must be considered in these cases. Although the pathogenesis of vulvar BCC is unclear, early diagnosis is very important. Because BCC in these areas sometimes seems innocuous, it is recommended that a biopsy of all suspect lesions be performed. We report a woman with BCC of the vulva treated with wide local resection and reviews the literatures on this subject.

Figures and Tables

Figure 1
Basal cell carcinoma on the right labium major appear as a "rodent ulcer" with rolled edges. There was a well-defined, irregularly brown and black pigmented plaque measuring 1.8×1.5 cm in size in the right labium major.
Figure 2
Postoperative finding. Wide local excision with primary closure was performed.
Figure 3
Basal cell carcinoma with a superficial solid and micronodular component. It is composed of islands of cells with peripheral palisading and a haphazard arrangement of the more central cells. Retraction spaces form between the tumor islands and the surrounding stroma. Ulceration is also present (H&E stain, ×100).


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