Journal List > Korean J Urol > v.49(7) > 1005152

Jung, Park, Kim, Lee, and Ko: Treatment of Urethral Condyloma by Interleukin-2


We report two patients with relapsed urethral condyloma treated by interleukin-2 (IL-2) instillation. The patients had undergone prior treatment of the urethral condyloma; however, all patients had recurrent disease within one year of the primary treatment. We performed repeated transurethral resection of the urethra. However, the mass was incompletely resected due to its multiplicity and concerns about urethral injury. After surgery, IL-2 (18x106IU) mixed with 1.2ml of distilled water was equally divided into six units (3x106IU); 10ml of distilled water was mixed with each unit. The solution was then administered into the urethra. After 6 days of the IL-2 intraurethral treatment, no visible warts were noted. No recurrence has been observed in over 1 year of follow up.


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Fig. 1.
Condyloma acuminate around a bulbous urethra (preoperative finding).
Fig. 2.
Remnant condyloma acuminate on the right bulbous urethral wall (after 1st interleukin-2 (IL-2) instillation).
Fig. 3.
No warts observed on the bulbous urethra (after 2nd interleukin-2 (IL-2) instillation).
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