Myxofibrosarcoma is also known as a myxoid variant of malignant fibrous histiocytoma, and this is one of the most common sarcomas in the extremities of elderly people; it is characterized by a high frequency of local recurrence. We herein report on a case of myxofibrosarcoma of the bladder. A 58-year-old man was referred to our hospital because of microscopic hematuria. Computed tomography (CT) and intravenous pyelography (IVP) showed a 12x7cm sized bladder mass in the pelvic cavity. The cystoscopic finding shows a protruding mass at the dome and posterior wall of the bladder. After exploratory laparotomy and tissue frozen biopsy were done, radical cystectomy and uretero-ileo-cutaneous anastomosis were then carried out. The diagnosis of the tumor was confirmed by histopathological examination. The myxofibrosarcoma of the bladder was completely excised, and there was no evidence of recurrence after 10 months of follow-up.
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