Journal List > Korean J Leg Med > v.36(1) > 1004695

Shin, Ryu, Kim, Lee, Lee, and Kim: Legal Features of Mental Disorders among Sexual Offenders without Paraphilia


The aim of this study was to evaluate the legal features of sexual offenders with mental disorders without paraphilia. Patients admitted to Korea Forensic Hospital from 1994 to 2012 (n = 193) were reviewed for diagnosis, crime, legal responsibility, readmission (number of admissions), hospitalizations, criminal record, and education level. Psychotic subjects were often declared not guilty because of insanity and avoided legal responsibility, but had long admission periods and fewer criminal records. Mentally retarded subjects also had long admission periods and fewer criminal records, but commited more sexual offenses against victims aged 13 and younger. The substance abuse group had extensive criminal records, shorter admission periods, and frequent admissions. Subjects with personality disorders and others committed relatively more violent crime with injuries, rather than simple sexual offenses. Treatment and social concerns suitable to each diagnosis are required to address sexual offenses associated with diverse legal characteristics.

Figures and Tables

Table 1
Cross-Tabulation of the Diagnosis Related Groups and a Name of Crime

aN represents the number of individuals.

Table 2
Cross-Tabulation of the Diagnosis Related Groups and Criminal Responsibility

aN represents the number of individuals.

Table 3
Cross-Tabulation of Diagnosis Related Groups and Educational Level

aN represents the number of individuals.

Table 4
Legal Features of the Diagnosis Related Groups

aN represents the number of individuals.

bM mean value.

cSD means standard deviation.

dF represents F-distribution.

ep values less than 0.05 are noted by asterisk(*).

Table 5
Legal Features of the Criminal Responsibility

aN represents the number of individuals.

bM mean value.

cSD means standard deviation.

dF represents F-distribution.

ep values less than 0.05 are noted by asterisk(*).


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