Journal List > Korean J Leg Med > v.36(1) > 1004694

Choi, Seo, Pyo, and Park: Correlation of Alcohol intake with Suicide in Cases confirmed by Legal autopsy


The purpose of this study is to provide a fundamental basis for defining measures to prevent suicide by specifically examining the relationship between suicide and alcohol consumption, which is thought to be a key factor in suicide. This study reviewed 426 suicide autopsies diagnosed by the department of forensic medicine, National Forensic Service (2007-2009) and analyzed the preliminary data on variables such as gender, age, and cause of death, with particular focus on the relationship between these variables and blood alcohol concentration. The relationship between each variable and alcohol consumption was as follows. First, alcohol was present in 48.4% of suicides. Second, blood alcohol concentration wrere twice as high in women as in men. Third, the relationship between suicide and alcohol consumption was greater in people in their 30s and 40s. The correlation between suicide and alcohol intake was evident this age group. These results are more specific and practical than the results of previous studies on the correlation between suicide and alcohol intake. The results of this study will help define measures to facilitate suicide prevention as an important reference and may eventually help lower the suicide rate in Korea.

Figures and Tables

Fig. 1
Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) and Detection Frequency of Blood Alcohol (DFBA) in Sex.
Fig. 2
Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) and Detection Frequency of Blood Alcohol (DFBA) in Age.
Fig. 3
Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) and Detection Frequency of Blood Alcohol (DFBA) in Death.
Table 1
General Characteristics of the People Surveyed


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