Journal List > J Korean Radiol Soc > v.58(4) > 1004566

Kim, Jang, Kim, Yoon, Lee, Jeon, Lee, and Lee: The Occurrence of a Pseudoaneurysm of the Hepatic Artery within the Thrombosed Portal Vein of a Patient with Chronic Pancreatitis: A Case Report


A pseudoaneurysm is an uncommon but important life threatening complication of chronic pancreatitis. The arteries most commonly affected by a pseudoaneurysm are (in decreasing percent occurrence), the splenic (40%), gastroduodenal (30%), pancreaticoduodenal (20%), gastric (5%), hepatic (2%), and others (superior mesenteric, jejunal, ileocecal, and aorta) (1-3%). Thrombosis of the splenic or portal vein is another important complication of chronic pancreatitis. In this case report, we present a rare complication in the form of a right hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm which developed within the thrombosed right portal vein of a 35-year-old woman afflicted with chronic pancreatitis.

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