Journal List > J Korean Acad Nurs > v.48(2) > 1003296

Yang and Hong: Predictors of Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia: Based on the Model of Multi-Dimensional Behavior



The purpose of this study was to identify factors predicting behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) in persons with dementia. Factors including the patient, caregiver, and environment based on the multi-dimensional behavioral model were tested.


The subjects of the study were 139 pairs of persons with dementia and their caregivers selected from four geriatric long-term care facilities located in S city, G province, Korea. Data analysis included descriptive statistics, inverse normal transformations, Pearson correlation coefficients, Spearman's correlation coefficients and hierarchical multiple regression with the SPSS Statistics 22.0 for Windows program.


Mean score for BPSD was 40.16. Depression (β=.42, p<.001), exposure to noise in the evening noise (β=-.20, p=.014), and gender (β=.17, p=.042) were factors predicting BPSD in long-term care facilities, which explained 25.2% of the variance in the model.


To decrease BPSD in persons with dementia, integrated nursing interventions should consider factors of the patient, caregiver, and environment.


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Figure 1.
Substruction model of the theory of this study.
Table 1.
Patient Factors, Caregiver Factors and Environment Factors of the Study Participants (N=278)
Factors Variables Categories n (%) or M±SD Possible range Actual range
Patient factors (n=139) Age (yr) 84.64±7.14 67~100
65~80 37 (26.6)
81~90 76 (54.7)
≥91 26 (18.7)
Gender Male 26 (18.7)
Female 113 (81.3)
Education level None 30 (21.6)
Elementary 49 (35.2)
≥Middle 60 (43.2)
Cognitive impairment Yes 87 (62.6) 0~30 1~24
No 52 (37.4)
Functional level Dependency (≤14) 115 (82.7) 0~20 0~20
Independency (≥15) 24 (17.3)
Pain 1.45±1.63 0~27 0~7
Depression Yes 65 (46.8)/11.60±5.11 0~38 0~28
No 74 (53.2)/2.49±1.57
Caregiver factors Gender Female 139 (100.0)
(n=139) Education level <High school 33 (23.7)
High school 94 (67.7)
≥College 12 (8.6)
Knowledge 15.26±1.93 0~20 8~19
Depression Yes 22 (15.8)/6.27±2.05 0~10 0~10
No 117 (84.2)/1.08±1.01
Environment factors Staffing ratio <1:19 49 (35.3)
≥1:19 90 (64.7)
Noise level (dBA) Morning room 53.48±3.70
Morning lobby 60.49±2.89
Evening room 56.00±2.64
Evening lobby 62.81±2.51
Behavioral and Physically aggressive behaviours 1.20±0.30 1~7
psychological Physically nonaggressive behaviours 1.59±0.90 1~7
symptoms of verbally agitated behaviours 1.70±0.70 1~7
dementia Hiding/Hoarding behaviours 1.26±0.37 1~7
Total 40.16±11.17 29~203 29~84

dBA=Decibel with A-weighting; M±SD=Mean standard deviation; yr=Year.

Rank-inverse-normal transformed data.

Table 2.
Correlation among Patient Factors, Caregiver Factors and Environment Factors (Unit of analysis=139)
Factors Variables Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia
Total Physically aggressive Physically non-aggressive Verbally agitated Hiding/Hoarding
r (p) r (p) r (p) r (p) r (p)
Patient factors Gender −.18 (.036) −.19 (.024) −.18 (.034) −.15 (.080) −.03 (.734)
Education level −.09 (.290) −.05 (.569) −.04 (.641) −.14 (.107) −.06 (.517)
Cognitive impairment .06 (.484) .06 (.456) .04 (.628) .01 (.936) −.01 (.876)
Functional level −.02 (.815) .05 (.560) −.08 (.340) −.07 (.423) −.21 (.015)
Pain −.04 (.649) −.05 (.594) .04 (.624) −.06 (.475) −.05 (.569)
Depression .48 (<.001) .29 (.001) .41 (<.001) .49 (<.001) .25 (.003)
Caregiver factors Education level −.05 (.954) −.01 (.934) −.02 (.800) −.04 (.639) −.06 (.462)
Knowledge −.10 (.262) −.13 (.129) −.13 (.117) .01 (.930) −.15 (.088)
Depression −.13 (.122) −.13 (.133) −.11 (.189) −.05 (.542) .12 (.152)
Environment Factors Staffing ratio −.06 (.474) −.05 (.528) −.06 (.461) −.06 (.515) −.02 (.860)
Morning noise level (dBA) .05 (.569) .12 (.179) .07 (.433) .10 (.257) −.02 (.839)
Evening noise level (dBA) −.26 (.002) −.14 (.112) −.20 (.022) −.23 (.008) −.03 (.713)

dBA=Decibel with A-weighting.

Spearman correlation coefficients.

Table 3.
Predictors of Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (Unit of analysis=139)
Factors Variables Model 1 Model 2
B S.E. β t p B S.E. β t p
Non-modifiable factors
Patient factors Gender .25 .10 .23 2.52 .013 .18 .09 .17 2.05 .042
Education level −.11 .07 −.20 −1.64 .105 −.07 .06 −.13 −1.17 .243
Cognitive impairment -.06 .11 −.07 −0.55 .585 −.07 .09 −.08 −0.79 .433
Functional level§ .02 .10 .02 0.23 .822 −.06 .09 −.06 −0.68 .496
Caregiver factors Education level −.01 .07 −.01 −0.12 .906 .02 .06 .03 0.36 .718
Environment factors Staffing ratio −.03 .08 −.03 −0.38 .707 .06 .07 .06 0.81 .422
Modifiable factors
Patient factors Depression .38 .07 .42 5.25 <.001
Pain −.02 .02 −.07 −0.90 .368
Caregiver factors Depression −.16 .10 −.14 −1.67 .097
Knowledge −.01 .02 −.03 −0.39 .696
Environment factors Evening noise level (dBA) −.04 .02 −.20 −2.50 .014
Adj. R2=.02, F=1.38, p=.229 Adj. R2=.25, F=5.23, p<.001

Adj.=Adjust; dBA=Decibel with A-weighting; S.E.=Standard error.

Dummy variable (Male=0, Female=1); dummy variable (No=0, Yes=1); §dummy variable (Independent=0, Dependent=1); dummy variable (<1:19=0, ≥1:19=1); dummy variable (No=0, Yes=1).

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