Journal List > J Korean Acad Nurs > v.46(3) > 1003172

Song: Concept Analysis for Psychological Insulin Resistance in Korean People with Diabetes



The purpose of this study was to define the concept for psychological insulin resistance in the Korean population with diabetes.


The Hybrid model was used to perform the concept analysis of psychological insulin resistance. Results from both the theoretical review with 26 studies and a field study including 19 participants with diabetes were included in final process.


The preceding factors of psychological insulin resistance were uncontrolled blood glucose and change in daily life. The concept of psychological insulin resistance was found to have three categories with 8 attributes such as emotional factors (negative feeling), cognitive factors (low awareness and knowledge, low confidence for self-injection) and supportive factors (economic burden, dependency life, embarrassing, feeling about supporters, feeling of trust in, vs mistrust of health care providers). The 8 attributes included 30 indicators.


The psychological insulin resistance of population with diabetes in Korea was defined as a complex phenomenon associated with insulin therapy that can be affected by emotional factors, cognitive factors, and supportive relational factors. Based on the results, a tool for measuring psychological insulin resistance of Koreans with diabetes and effective programs for enhancing insulin adherence should be developed in future studies.

Figures and Tables

Table 1

Literature regarding Attributors of Psychological Insulin Resistance (N=26)

Table 2

Demographics of Participants (N=19)

Table 3

Domains, Attribute, and Indicators of Psychological Insulin Resistance in Literature Review and Field Study

Table 4

Domains, Attribute, and Indicators of Psychological Insulin Resistance in Final Stage



This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIP)(NRF-2015R1A2A2A01002394).

CONFLICTS OF INTEREST The author declared no conflict of interest.


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