Journal List > J Korean Acad Nurs > v.45(2) > 1003055

Park, Song, Cho, Lim, Song, Chang, and Park: Effects of a Multi-disciplinary Approached, Empowerment Theory Based Self-management Intervention in Older Adults with Chronic Illness



The purpose of this study was to develop a multi-disciplinary self-management intervention based on empowerment theory and to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention for older adults with chronic illness.


A randomized controlled trial design was used with 43 Korean older adults with chronic illness (Experimental group=22, Control group=21). The intervention consisted of two phases: (1) 8-week multi-disciplinary, team guided, group-based health education, exercise session, and individual empowerment counseling, (2) 16-week self-help group activities including weekly exercise and group discussion to maintain acquired self-management skills and problem-solving skills. Baseline, 8-week, and 24-week assessments measured health empowerment, exercise self-efficacy, physical activity, and physical function.


Health empowerment, physical activity, and physical function in the experimental group increased significantly compared to the control group over time. Exercise self-efficacy significantly increased in experimental group over time but there was no significant difference between the two groups.


The self-management program based on empowerment theory improved health empowerment, physical activity, and physical function in older adults. The study finding suggests that a health empowerment strategy may be an effective approach for older adults with multiple chronic illnesses in terms of achieving a sense of control over their chronic illness and actively engaging self-management.

Figures and Tables

Figure 1

Study flow.

Table 1

Description of Intervention

Table 2

Baseline Characteristics of the Participants


*Multiple answers were allowed; Exp.=Experimental group; Cont.=Control group.

Table 3

Changes in Outcome Variables from Baseline to 24-week Follow-up


*by one-way repeated measured ANOVA; by mixed ANOVA; Effect size; Exp.=Experimental group (n=22); Cont.=Control group (n=21).


This work was supported by the Seoul National University Brain Fusion Program Research Grant.


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