The purpose of this study was to evaluate the methodological quality of nursing studies using structural equation modeling in Korea.
Databases of KISS, DBPIA, and National Assembly Library up to March 2014 were searched using the MeSH terms 'nursing', 'structure', 'model'. A total of 152 studies were screened. After removal of duplicates and non-relevant titles, 61 papers were read in full.
Of the sixty-one articles retrieved, 14 studies were published between 1992 and 2000, 27, between 2001 and 2010, and 20, between 2011 and March 2014. The methodological quality of the review examined varied considerably.
The findings of this study suggest that more rigorous research is necessary to address theoretical identification, two indicator rule, distribution of sample, treatment of missing values, mediator effect, discriminant validity, convergent validity, post hoc model modification, equivalent models issues, and alternative models issues should be undergone. Further research with robust consistent methodological study designs from model identification to model respecification is needed to improve the validity of the research.
Figures and Tables
Table 2
*Multiple responses; †Fisher's exact test; ML=Maximum likelihood estimation; GLS=Generalized least square; WLS=Weighted least square; GFI=Goodness-of-fit index; AGFI=Adjusted goodness-of-fit index; NNFI=Non-normed fit index; TLI=Tucker-Lewis index; NFI=Normed fit index; RMSEA=Root mean square error of approximation; SRMR=Standardized root mean square residual.
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