To investigate the effects of oral care education on knowledge, attitudes & behavior of caregivers in oral care and oral hygiene for residents in nursing homes.
In this quasi-experimental study, the intervention group (n=27) of residents received oral care from intervention group caregivers (n=28) who had received 6 weeks of oral care education. The control group (n=27) of residents received usual oral care from control group caregivers (n=26). Data on knowledge, attitude, and behavioral change in oral health care by the caregivers and plaque index & halitosis of the residents were collected. Data were analyzed using SPSS WIN 16.0.
1) Scores on caregivers’ knowledge (p<.001) and behavior (p<.001) for oral care were higher in the intervention group 6 and 12 weeks. The caregivers’ attitude (p<.001) score for oral care was higher in the intervention group 12 weeks. 2) The plaque index (p=.004) and halitosis (p=.002) of the nursing home residents were lower in the intervention group than the control group at 6 and 12 weeks.
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Table 1.
Oral Health Care Education Program for Caregivers in this Study
Table 2.
Homogeneity Test of General Characteristics of Caregivers
Table 3.
Homogeneity Test of General Characteristics of Nursing Home Residents
Table 4.
Knowledge, Attitude & Behavior Score for Oral Health Care in Caregivers
Table 5.
Plaque Index & Halitosis of Nursing Home Residents