Journal List > J Korean Acad Nurs > v.40(6) > 1002684

Lee and Kim: Relationship between Resource Utilization and Long-term Care Classification Level for Residents in Nursing Homes



This study was conducted to examine whether the level of classification for long-term care service under long-term care insurance reflects resource utilization level for residents in nursing homes.


From 2 long-term care facilities, the researchers selected 95 participants and identified description and time of care services provided by nurses, certified caregivers, physical therapists and social workers during a 24-hr-period.


Resource utilization level was: 281.04 for level 1, 301.05 for level 2 and 270.87 for level 3. Resource utilization was not correlated with level. Differences in resource utilization within the same level were similar with the coefficient of variance, 22.7-27.1%. Physical function was the most influential factor on long-term care scores (r=.88, p<.001). The level for long-term care service did not reflect differences in resource utilization level of residents on long-term care insurance.


The results of this study indicate that present grading for long-term care service needs to be reconsidered. Further study is needed to adjust the long-term care classification system to reflect the level of resource utilization for care recipients on the long-term care insurance.

Figures and Tables

Table 1
General and Clinical Characteristics of Participants (N=95)

*The disease diagnosis or symptoms have a marked effect on current health status (multiple responses).

ADL=Activity of daily living.

Table 2
Distribution of Long-term Care Time by Nurse and Certified Caregiver (N=95)

RST=Resident-specific time; RNST=Resident-non-specific time.

Table 3
Comparison of Resource Utilization by Classification Level for Long-term Care Services (N=95)
Table 4
Comparison of Resource Utilization by Classification Level for Long-term Care Services (N=95)

CV=Coefficient of variance.

Table 5
Correlation Among the Measured Variables by Long-term Care Evaluation Area (N=95)


*This study is a prat of first author's master's thesis.


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