Journal List > J Korean Acad Nurs > v.40(1) > 1002661

Lee and Ahn: Development of Key Indicators for Nurses Performance Evaluation and Estimation of Their Weights for Management by Objectives



This methodological research was designed to develop performance evaluation key indicators (PEKIs) for management by objectives (MBO) and to estimate their weights for hospital nurses.


The PEKIs were developed by selecting preliminary indicators from a literature review, examining content validity and identifying their level of importance. Data were collected from November 14, 2007 to February 18, 2008. Data set for importance of indicators was obtained from 464 nurses and weights of PEKIs domain was from 453 nurses, who worked for at least 2 yr in one of three hospitals. Data were analyzed using χ2-test, factor analysis, and the Analytical Hierarchy Process.


Based upon Content Validity Index of .8 or above, 61 indicators were selected from the 100 preliminary indicators. Finally, 40 PEKIs were developed from the 61 indicators, and categorized into 10 domains. The highest weight of the 10 domains was customer satisfaction, which was followed by patient education, direct nursing care, profit increase, safety management, improvement of nursing quality, completeness of nursing records, enhancing competence of nurses, indirect nursing care, and cost reduction, in that order.


PEKIs and their weights can be utilized for impartial evaluation and MBO for hospital nurses. Further research to verify PEKIs would lead to successful implementation of MBO.

Figures and Tables

Figure 1
Research process.
Table 1
Characteristics of Participants

*participants for importance level measurement of indicators; participants for estimation of weights of indicators.

ICU=intensive care unit; EMC=emergency medical center.

Table 2
Ten domains & 40 Performance Evaluation Key Indicators for Hospital Nurses (N=464)

*Final performance evaluation indicators domain; Number of participants with importance score 4, 5; More than 70% importance rate by managers, less than 70% by general nurses; §Six Sigma simply means a measure of quality that strives for near perfection. And It is a disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for eliminating defects. Continuous quality improvement.

Table 3
Factor Analysis for Performance Evaluation Key Indicators

*Six Sigma simply means a measure of quality that strives for near perfection. And It is a disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for eliminating defects; Continuous quality improvement.

Table 4
Eigen Values of Factors
Table 5
Weight of Factors

A=customer satisfaction; B=patient education; C=direct nursing care; D=profit increase; E=safety management; F=improvement of nursing qualities; G=completeness of nursing records; H=enhancing competence of nurses; I=indirect nursing care; J=cost reduction.


This study is a part of PhD dissertation.


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