Journal List > J Korean Acad Nurs > v.40(3) > 1002628

Bae and Park: A Structural Equation Model on Mental Health of Korean Immigrants in Canada



The aim of this study was to construct a structural equation model that would further explain the mental health status of Korean immigrants living in Canada.


Survey using a structured questionnaire was conducted with 386 people in Canada (Vancouver and Toronto). Six instruments were used in this model. The analysis of data was done with both SPSS 14.0 for descriptive statistics and AMOS 5.0 for covariance structure analysis.


Based on the constructed model, physical health status, immigrant life stress, self esteem, and quality of life were found to have significant direct effect on mental health. In addition, factors such as physical health status, immigrant life stress, quality of life, English proficiency, family cohesion and social support were found to indirectly affect mental health. The final modified model yielded Chi-square=34.79 (p<.001), df=13, χ2/df=2.68, GFI=0.98, AGFI=0.94, NFI=0.95, PNFI=0.44, PGFI=0.35, RMSE=0.07 and exhibited good fit indices.


This structural equation model is a comprehensive theoretical model that explains the related factors and their relationship with mental health in Korean immigrants. Findings of this study can contribute to the designing of an appropriate prevention strategy to further improve the mental health of immigrants in Canada.

Figures and Tables

Figure 1
Testing for hypothetical model.
Figure 2
Testing for modified model.
Table 1
Descriptive Statistics for Observed Variables (N=386)
Table 2
Pearson Coefficient Correlations for Variables
Table 3
Model Fitness Index for Hypothetical and Modified Model (N=386)
Table 4
Direct Effect, Indirect Effect, and Total Effect in Modified Path Model

CR=Critical ratio; SMC=Squared multiple correlations.


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