Journal List > J Korean Acad Nurs > v.40(2) > 1002604

Kim, Ahn, Choi, and Lee: Geriatric Foot Problems and Related Factors in Two Provinces of Korea



The purpose of the study was to identify the prevalence, risk factors and clinical meanings of geriatric foot problems and to suggest implications for the future.


One hundred eighty nine elderly aged 60 and over from institution as well as community were investigated for their foot conditions by means of a questionnaire including general characteristics, self care capacity, risk factors, foot problem checklist, X-ray, podoscopy and foot scan. Descriptive statistics and χ2-test was performed as appropriate utilizing SPSS version 14. Less than .05 of p-value was adopted as statistical significance level.


All subjects had at least one kind of foot problem and the most prevalent ones were nail problems, foot deformities in order. Prevalence of foot pain and edema was relatively low.


Foot problem in elderly is prevalent and geriatric foot is expected to emerge as one of the most important problems in the geriatric field. Therefore strategies to deal with geriatric foot should be developed and practiced for better quality of life in later life.

Figures and Tables

Table 1
General Characteristics (N=189)
Table 2
Health Factors related Foot Problems (N=189)
Table 3
Foot Problems by Medical Assessment (N=189)
Table 4
Foot Problems by Clinical Assessment (N=189)
Table 5
Differences of Foot Problems by General Characteristics (N=189)

*Fisher exact test.

Table 6
Differences of Foot Problems by Health Factors (N=189)


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