Journal List > Tuberc Respir Dis > v.71(4) > 1001669

Oh, Choi, Kim, Shin, and Kim: Varicella-Zoster Virus Pneumonia in Immunocompetent Adults


Varicella, more commonly known as chickenpox, is caused by the varicella-zoster virus. It is a common benign childhood illness. In adults, Varicella is uncommon but is more severely associated with complications including pneumonia, hepatitis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, encephalitis and myocarditis. A serious and life-threatening complication is the development of varicella-zoster virus pneumonia (VZVP). Although VZVP is well described in immunocompromised hosts, it is rarely seen in immunocompetent adults. The VZVP in healthy adults is more prevalent in cigarette smokers and during pregnancy. However, reports of VZVP in healthy adults are scarce in Korea. The authors report here a case of VZVP in an immunocompetent adult and present a literature review.

Figures and Tables

Figure 1
Skin examination reveals polymorphic papules and patches with vesicle formation.
Figure 2
(A) The simple chest radiography shows multiple small nodules in both lungs. (B) After 3 weeks, the size and number of the nodules have decreased.
Figure 3
(A) Chest computed tomography scan shows multiple 5~10 mm sized nodules with ground glass opacities scatterd in both lung fields. (B) After 3 weeks, the nodules have decreased and the ground glass opacities have disappeared.
Figure 4
In bronchoscopic findings, multiple whitish plaques appear at the carina (A), and right bronchus intermedius (B).
Figure 5
Bronchial biopsy is performed at the whitish plaque. (A) The bronchial mucosa reveals extensive necrosis and regeneration of surface metaplastic squamous epithelium (H&E, ×200). Transbronchial lung biopsy is performed. (B) Hemorrhages appear surrounding the inflammatory cells and multifocal interstitial fibrosis can be seen (H&E, ×200).


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