Journal List > Tuberc Respir Dis > v.65(5) > 1001306

Kim, Kang, Kim, Park, Baek, Choi, Shin, Kim, Park, Jeung, Hur, Lee, Lee, Kim, Lee, Lee, Yum, and Choi: A Case of Recurrent Pneumonitis Caused by Bojungikgitang(Bu-Zhong-Yi-Qi-Tang)


Many classes of drug, such as antineoplastic drugs and antiarrhythmic drugs, have potential to induce interstitial lung disease. Herbal medicines are also believed to have the potential to induce pneumonitis. However, to our knowledge, there are no reports of pneumonitis caused by herbal medications in the Korean medical database. We report a case of recurrent pneumonitis caused by a self rechallenge of the Herbal medicine Bojungikgitang (Bu-Zhong-Yi-Qi-Tang : Hochu-ekki-to).

Figures and Tables

Figure 1
Chest PA shows diffuse bilateral haziness in both lower lobes with decreased lung volume.
Figure 2
Chest HRCT scan on admission. HRCT shows bilateral peribronchial and subpleural ground glass opacities with mild bronchial dilatation in both lungs.
Figure 3
Pathologic findings of transbronchial lung biopsy shows mild interstitial fibrosis with lymphocytic infiltration (H&E stain, ×200) (A) and focal intra-alveolar histiocytic aggregation (H&E stain, ×200) (B).
Figure 4
Chest PA findings after methylprednisolone pulse therapy. Findings of previous bilateral haziness, linear atelectasis and cardiomegaly were marked improved compared to admission day, and those findings were went on.
Figure 5
Chest PA shows relapsed bilateral haziness in both lower lobes, after retreatment of Bojungikitang.
Figure 6
Chest PA findings after methylprednisolone treatment. Bilateral haziness was cleared.


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