Journal List > Tuberc Respir Dis > v.63(4) > 1001153

Kim, Park, Lee, Lee, Lee, Choi, and Yum: Pulmonary Thromboembolism after Post-menopause Hormonal Replacement Therapy


Hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) has been proven for treatment of postmenopausal symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats and urologic symptoms. HRT became very popular in the 1990's, when there were several reports showing that it also helped with other menopausal complications such as osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. Recent studies report that the incidence of breast cancer, endometrial cancer, cerebral infarction, coronary artery diseases, deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary thrombembolism could rise after HRT. Among these side effects of HRT, the risk of pulmonary thromboembolism increases 2 to 4 fold after HRT, but can vary with the use of different doses and preparations. Here, we summarize the risk factors and clinical courses for 5 patients who developed pulmonary thromboembolism after postmenopausal HRT.

Figures and Tables

Figure 1
Chest X-ray on admission. Left costophrenic angle obliteration is revealed due to left pleural effusion (A). Wedge shaped ill-defined inhomogenous density is revealed at minor fissure and pleural surface of right upper lung (B).
Figure 2
Computed tomographic angiography. Multifocal thromboembolism are revealed at mainly segmetal and subsegmental arterial branches supplying both lower lobes (A). Multifocal thromboembolism are revealed at lobar and segmental branches supplying both whole lungs except right middle lobe (B).
Figure 3
Lower Extrimity Doppler. Deep vein thrombosis are revealed at left popliteal and most proximal superficial femoral vein (A). Deep vein thrombosis are revealed from left common iliac to common femoral vein (B).
Table 1
Summary of the clinical characteristics of subjects

*BMI: body mass index; PG: prostaglandin; DM: diabetes mellitus.

Table 2
Summary of the radiologic findings of subjects

*RUL: right upper lobe.


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