Journal List > Tuberc Respir Dis > v.63(2) > 1001134

Moon, Yoo, Kim, Choi, Choi, Park, Kang, Kwak, Kim, and Kim: Adenocarcinoma Surrounding Emphysema Mimicking Cavitary Pneumonia


Adenocarcinoma presenting as a solitary mass with a cavity in chest computed tomogram is rare. A few reports have suggested an association between lung cancer and emphysema. We report a case of adenocarcinoma surrounding pulmonary emphysema that mimicked fungal pneumonia. This case highlights the need for cliniclians to be aware of the potential development of lung cancer in patients with emphysema.

Figures and Tables

Figure 1
X-ray shows airspace consolidation on both lower lobe and a large cavity in the right lower lobe underlying emphysema and inactive tuberculosis on the left upper lobe (A: Chest PA view, B: Chest Right lateral view).
Figure 2
Chest computed tomography shows a mass surrounding a pulmonary cavity with septae in the right lower lobe.
Figure 3
Gross finding shows ill defined, gray-white to yellow-tan mass with central septated cavitary lesion, measuring 9×8.5×4.5 cm at right lower lobe of lung. There are emphysematous changes in superior segment and lateral basal segment (not shown).
Figure 4
A. On lower power field, infiltrating tumor tissue around central septated cavitary lesion, indicating emphysema is seen. There are surrounding satellite nodules and pleural dimpling. B. Microspcopic finding shows moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma. (A: H&E, ×1, B: H&E, ×200)


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