Journal List > Tuberc Respir Dis > v.62(5) > 1001090

Chon, Choi, Lim, Koh, Oh, Shim, Lee, Kim, Kim, Kim, and Hong: The 3 years Prognosis of Patients with Long Term Mechanical Ventilation in Medical Intensive Care Unit at a University Hospital



There is little data on the 3 year prognosis and quality of life of patients on long-term (>72 hour) mechanical ventilation in a medical intensive care unit (MICU).


Patients with long-term mechanical ventilation from May 2003 through July 2003 in MICU of Asan Medical Center, Seoul were enrolled in this studay. The survival rates were observed prospectively at 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36 months, and the quality of life of survivor was measured at 12 months by using Short Form 36 (SF-36).


The survival rate at 1, 3, 6, 12, 24 and 36 months was 54.8% (40/73), 39.7% (29/73), 30.1% (22/73), 20.5% (15/73), 18.3% (13/71) and 16.9% (12/71), respectively. There was a similar survival rate regardless of the diseases that required mechanical ventilation. A neoplasm or chronic liver disease had a worse survival rate than chronic lung or kidney disease (p<0.05). Each SF-36 domain except for the Role-emotional was inferior to the general population.


The survival rate of patients with mechanical ventilation more than 72 hours is decreases continuously until 12 months but is relatively constant from 12 to 36 months. In these patients quality of life is also decrased.

Figures and Tables

Figure 1
Survival rates according to major disease that needed mechanical ventilation during observation period. There was no difference in survival rate among diseases that needs mechanical ventilation at 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36 month(p>0.05).
Figure 2
Survival rates according to underlying disease during observation period. Neoplasm or chronic liver disease were worse than chronic lung or kidney disease in survival rate at 3, 6, 12, 24, 36 month(p<0.05).
Table 1
Demographics and clinical characteristics of patients with long term mechanical ventilation(n=73)

*Intensive care unit, Acute physiologic and chronic health evaluation, Mechanical ventilation.

Table 2
Indications of long term mechanical ventilation(n=73)
Table 3
Underlying diseases of long term mechanical ventilator patients(n=68)
Table 4
The ventilator modes and settings at the time of 72 hours according to the reason for initiating mechanical ventilation

*Acute exacerbation of chronic respiratory failure, Pressure controlled ventilation, Pressure support, §Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation, Tidal volume, Positive end expiratory pressure, **Respiration rate, ††Peak inspiratory pressure.

Table 5
Predictors affecting 1 year survival rate in univariate analysis

*Intensive care unit, Acute physiologic and chronic health evaluation, Peak inspiratory pressure, §Mechanical ventilation.

Table 6
Comparison of quality of life (SF-36) between study group and control group


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