Journal List > Tuberc Respir Dis > v.61(3) > 1000993

Kim, Lee, Lee, Cho, Na, and Han: The Complementary Role of FEV6 in Bronchodilator Reversibility Test for the Old Age



In the measurement of bronchodilator reversibility, the forced expiratory volume in one second(FEV1) and the forced vital capacity(FVC) are commonly used parameters and recommended criteria for the reversibility requiring an increase of more than 200ml and 12% above the baseline, respectively. However, aged patients do not often meet the criteria of an increase in volume(>200ml) even though the medical history of that patient is adequate for asthma. This study investigated the role of the forced expiratory volume in six seconds(FEV6) in the bronchodilator reversibility test in elderly patients.


A total of 236 patients more than 65 years of age with a FEV1/FVC ratio<80% were enrolled in this study. The bronchodilator revesibility tests were examined. With the setting FEV1 as the baseline, the patients were divided into three groups;
Group I : FEV1≧80% of the predicted value,
Group II : 60%<FEV1<80% of the predicted value,
Group III : FEV1≦60% of the predicted value.


Positive reversibility in the FEV1, FEV6, and FVC was in 33(14.0%), 49(20.8%) and 55(23.3%). However, Group III presented with reversibility in the FEV1, FEV6, and FVC in 15(22.4%), 30(44.8%) and 32(47.8%) respectively.


The FEV6 might be used as a complementary parameter in bronchodilatror reversibility in elderly patients. However, more study will be needed to determine the usefulness of FEV6 in bronchodilator reversibility test.

Figures and Tables

Figure 1
Positive reversibility according to the different parameters for each groups of 236 patients
Table 1
Demographics and clinical characteristics of patients

Values are mean±standard deviation.

*forced vital capacity, forced expiratory volume in one second, forced expiratory volume in six seconds, §body mass index, changes after bronchodilator reversibility test

Table 2
Clinical characteristics of each groups, subdivided into three groups according to FEV1

Values are mean±standard deviation.

*forced vital capacity, forced expiratory volume in one second, forced expiratory volume in six seconds, §body mass index, changes after bronchodilator reversibility test

Table 3
Bronchodilator reversibility in FEV6 and commonly used parameters

Values are number of patients.

*bronchodilator reversibility using FVC and/or FEV1 as parameters,

bronchodilator reversibility using only FEV6 as parameter

The BDR as the gold standard, the measured sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of FEV6 in reversibility test are 64.3%, 100%, 100%, 95.4% in group I, 50.0%, 97.3%, 83.3%, 87.8% in group II, 38.9%, 86.7%, 63.6%, 70.3% in group III, 50.0%, 97.1%, 80.8%, 88.8% in total, respectively.

Table 4
Bronchodilator reversibility according to the each parameters

Values are number of patients.

*bronchodilator reversibility using only FVC as parameter, bronchodilator reversibility using only FEV1 as parameter, bronchodilator reversibility only FEV6 as parameter

The reversibility of FVC as the gold standard, the measured sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of FEV6 in reversibility test are 75%, 100%, 100%, 97.2% in group I, 72.7%, 95%, 80%, 92.7% in group II, 72.7%, 82.4%, 80%, 75.7% in group III, 63.4%, 95.6%, 76.5%, 93.6% in total, respectively.

The reversibility of FEV1 as the gold standard, the measured sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of FEV6 in reversibility test are 77.8%, 98.2%, 77.8%, 98.2% in group I, 66.7%, 90.5%, 60%, 92.7% in group II, 71.4%, 62.3%, 33.3%, 89.2% in group III, 71.9%, 87.3%, 47.0%, 95.2% in total, respectively.


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