2 results  1 of 1 

1 Three-dimensional evaluation of tooth movement in Class II malocclusions treated without extraction by orthodontic mini-implant anchorage
Dler Ali, Hnd Mohammed, Seung-Hwan Koo, Kyung-Hwa Kang, Sang-Cheol Kim
Korean J Orthod.2016;46(5):280-289.   Published online 2016 September 19     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4041/kjod.2016.46.5.280
2 Preliminary three-dimensional analysis of tooth movement and arch dimension change of the maxillary dentition in Class II division 1 malocclusion treated with first premolar extraction: conventional anchorage vs. mini-implant anchorage
Heon-Mook Park, Byoung-Ho Kim, Il-Hyung Yang, Seung-Hak Baek
Korean J Orthod.2012;42(6):280-290.   Published online 2012 December 28     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4041/kjod.2012.42.6.280

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