Journal List > J Nurs Acad Soc > v.16(3) > 1085166

J Nurs Acad Soc. 1986 Dec;16(3):11-21. Korean.
Published online April 03, 2017.
Copyright © 1986 Korean Society of Nursing Science
A Study on the Influencing Factors of Women's Adoption of Sterilization
Eun Kyoung Bae and Mila Lee

The purposes of this study were to clarify whether the health belief model could explain the women's adoption of sterilization and to find the factors which influence the adoption of sterilization. To achieve these purpose, 35 women, who visited the family planning hospital to undergo an surgical operation for sterilization, were selected and named the group of adoption. Also, 36 women, who have the same demographic characteristics as the group of adoption, and have no sterilization among the married women, were selected and named the group of non-adoption. The measuring instruments used in this study were made by the researchers on the basis of the results of the review of the related literatures. The validity of these instruments was examined by one professor majoring in nursing and two family plmanning practioners. The reliability was proven by calculation of Cronbach's alpha with data of the group of adoption. The data was analyzed by t-test, X2-test, and ANOVA using Computer SAS system. The results were following: 1. Health belief model could be said to explain whether women accept the sterilization or not, because the degrees of susceptibility and severity for future pregnancy and the degree of benefit for adoption of sterilization in the group of adoption are higher than those of the group of non-adoption. 2. Influence of demographic variables on health belief variables was as follows. With advancing ages, degree of susceptibility increased in the group of adoption, and the higher the number of artificial abortion increased, the higher degree of barrier increased in the group of non-adoption. Suggestions for further studies and application to the nursing practice are as follows 1. If one wants to educate the non-adoption women, one would be better to give such information as to increase the perception of susceptibility, severity and benefit. 2. New instrument to measure the perceived barrier which includes such items as fear on well-ness of the existing children, objection of husband and postoperative complication, is needed. 3. A study to find the change of perception on health belief variables is needed, after education to increase the level of perceived susceptibility and severity on the future pregnancy, and benefit on sterilization is given.

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