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1 Recombinant-attenuated Salmonella Pullorum strain expressing the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) protects chickens against NDV and Salmonella Pullorum challenge
Ke Ding, Ke Shang, Zu-Hua Yu, Chuan Yu, Yan-Yan Jia, Lei He, Cheng-Shui Liao, Jing Li, Chun-Jie Zhang, Yin-Ju Li, Ting-Cai Wu, Xiang-Chao Cheng
J Vet Sci.2018;19(2):232-241.   Published online 2018 March 23     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4142/jvs.2018.19.2.232

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