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1 Pollicization: The Concept, Technical Details, and Outcome
Scott H. Kozin
Clin Orthop Surg.2012;4(1):18-35.   Published online 2012 February 20     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4055/cios.2012.4.1.18
2 Pollicization of Patients with more than Buck-Gramcko Grade IV Congenital Hypoplasia of the Thumb
Moon Sang Chung, Goo Hyun Baek, Woo Jin Kim, Jin Ho Kim, Woo Dong Nam, Jae Hoon Shin
J Korean Orthop Assoc.2000;35(2):283-288.   Published online 2000 April 30     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4055/jkoa.2000.35.2.283

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