2 results  1 of 1 

1 Effects of splanchnic vasoconstrictors on liver regeneration and survival after 90% rat hepatectomy
Dong-Sik Kim, Woong Bae Ji, Jae Hyun Han, Yoon Young Choi, Hyun-Jin Park, Young-Dong Yu, Ju Young Kim
Ann Surg Treat Res.2018;94(3):118-128.   Published online 2018 February 28     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4174/astr.2018.94.3.118
2 Role of vasopressin in current anesthetic practice
Keun Suk Park, Kyung Yeon Yoo
Korean J Anesthesiol.2017;70(3):245-257.   Published online 2017 May 26     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4097/kjae.2017.70.3.245

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