2 results  1 of 1 

1 Clinical Evaluation of Surgical Resection of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Seung Kyu Park, Mal Hyun Shon, Dong Gi Han, Hyun Chul Ha, Young Ho Jin, Sun Dae Song
Tuberc Respir Dis.1995;42(4):474-480.   Published online 2016 March 15     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4046/trd.1995.42.4.474
2 Pulmonary Resection in the Treatment of Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis
Eun Soo Kwon, Hyun Cheol Ha, Su Hee Hwang, Hung Yol Lee, Seung Kyu Park, Sun Dae Song
Tuberc Respir Dis.1998;45(6):1143-1153.   Published online 2016 March 14     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4046/trd.1998.45.6.1143

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