Journal List > Korean J Gastroenterol > v.70(6) > 1007717

Ku, Park, Kim, Kwon, Chang, and Park: Gastric Cancer Recurrence in 12 Years after Surgical Resection


Recurrence of gastric cancer after 10 years of surgical resection is highly rare. There are limited data on the surveillance of patients with gastric cancer after 10 years from gastrectomy. A 50-year-old man presented to the gastroenterology clinic at our hospital for the management of abnormal findings on a routine colonoscopic exam. He had undergone gastrectomy for advanced gastric cancer 12 years ago. At presentation, colonoscopic examination revealed asymmetrically edematous and hyperemic mucosal change with luminal narrowing on transverse colon. Abdominal computed tomography showed no evidence of distant metastasis, except for focal bowel wall thickening on transverse colon. He underwent a laparoscopic right-hemicolectomy, and the resected specimen revealed a recurrent and metastatic lesion. We report a case of recurrence of gastric cancer after 10 years from surgical resection with relevant literature review.


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Fig. 1.
Initial endoscopic examination (before 12 years) revealed a 3 cm-sized, Borrmann type-3 tumor on the lesser curvature of midbody of the stomach.
Fig. 2.
Colonoscopic examination revealed asymmetrically edematous and hyperemic mucosal change with luminal narrowing on transverse colon.
Fig. 3.
Radiologic images. (A) Abdominal CT revealed irregular enhancing wall thickening on transverse colon (white arrow). (B) PET-CT showed localized segmental hypermetablism on transverse colon (black arrowhead). CT, computed tomography; PET, positron emission tomography.
Fig. 4.
Hematoxylin and eosin stain of colonic specimen. Tumor cells mainly located in submucosal layer and invaded into muscle layer and subserosal layer (black arrowheads) (A: ×40, B: ×100).
Fig. 5.
Immunohistochemistry. (A, B) Immunohistochemistry of gastric specimen (×200; A: CK 7, positive; B: CK 20, positive). (C-E) Immunohistochemistry of colonic specimen (×200; C: CDX2, negative; D: CK 7, weak positive; E: CK 20, positive). CK, cytokeratin.
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