Journal List > J Rheum Dis > v.20(5) > 1064067

Kang, Seo, Kim, Kim, Lim, Han, Song, Lim, and Kim: A Case of Polyarthritis Associated with Reactivation of Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection


Hepatitis viruses (hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus) have been associated with development of inflammatory arthritis. Approximately 400 million people worldwide have chronic HBV infection. HBV infection is the one of the most common causes of liver disease, and the prevalence of HBV infection in Korea is almost 6%. Arthritis in patients with HBV can be encountered in two settings: as a rheumatoid arthritis (RA)-like, acute, self-limited polyarthritis during the pre-symptomatic phase of acute hepatitis B, or, more rarely, as arthritis oc-curring in the context of HBV-associated polyarteritis nodosa (PAN). In both cases, the pathogenesis of arthritis is attributed to the deposition of immune complexes containing viral antigens (HBsAg or HBeAg) and their respective antibodies (anti-HBs and anti-HBe) in synovial tissues. Here we report on a case of polyarthritis associated with reactivation of chronic hepatitis B virus infection with a review of the literature.


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Figure 1.
Bone scan: increased radioisotope uptake in bilateral shoulders, and left knee.
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