Journal List > Tuberc Respir Dis > v.61(3) > 1000992

Song, Oh, Hong, Shim, Lim, Lee, Koh, Kim, Kim, Kim, and Kim: Selection of Reference Equations for Lung Volumes and Diffusing Capacity in Korea



The lung volume and diffusing capacity are influenced by ethnicity. However, there are no equations for predicting the normal lung volume in the adult Korean population, and there is only one equation for diffusing capacity. The aim of this study is to select the most suitable reference equation for the Korean population.


30 men and 33 women at Hanyang University Guri Hospital, and 27 men and 34 women at Asan Medical Center in healthy nonsmoking adults were enrolled in this study. The subject's age, gender, height, weight, lung volume by plethysmography, and diffusing capacity by a single breathing method were obtained. The most suitable equation with the lowest sum of residuals between the observed and predicted values for lung volume and diffusing capacity was selected.


At Hanyang University Guri Hospital, the equations with the lowest sum of residuals in the total lung capacity were ECSC's equation in males (sum of residual: 0.04 L) and Crapo/Morris's equation (-1.04) in women. At the Asan Medical Center, the equations with the lowest sum of residuals in the total lung capacity were Goldman/Becklake's equation in males (sum of residual: -2.35) and the ECSC's equation -4.49) in women. The equations with the lowest sum of residuals in the Diffusing capacity were Roca's equation in males (sum of residual: -13.66 ml/min/mmHg) and Park's in women (25.08) in Hanyang University Guri hospital and Park's equation in all cases in the Asan Medical Center (male: -1.65 , female: -6.46).


Until a reference equstion can be made for healthy Koreans by sampling, ECSC's equation can be used for estimating the lung volume and Park's can be used for estimating the diffusing capacity.

Figures and Tables

Figure 1
Scatter of Residuals in total lung capacity
Figure 1 shows residuals of ECSC's equations that had the lowest sum of residual in total lung capacity at Hanyang university Guri Hospital and Asan Medical Center.
Figure 2
Scatter of Residuals in DLCO
Figure 2 shows residuals of Park's equations that had the lowest sum of residual in diffusing capacity at Hanyang University Guri Hospital and Asan Medical Center.
Table 1
Characteristics of the subjects

*Hanyang University Guri Hospital

Asan medical center

All values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation

Table 2
Number of subjects according to the age groups

*Hanyang University Guri Hospital

Asan medical center

Table 3
Reference equations of lung volumes

*Height in centimeters; Age in years; Body surface area(m2 ); §Weight in kilograms

Abbreviations: TLC = total lung capacity; RV = residual volume; FRC = functional residual capacity

Table 4
Reference equations of diffusing capacity

*Height in centimeters; Age in years; Body surface area(m2 ); §Weight in kilograms

Table 5
Reference equations of Diffusing capacity/ VA

*diffusing capacity corrected by alveolar volume, DLCO/VA

Height in centimeters; Age in years; §Weight in kilograms

Table 6
Sum of residual in total lung capacity, residual volume and functional residual capacity

*: Hanyang university Guri Hospital : Asan medical center

Abbreviations: TLC = total lung capacity; RV = residual volume; FRC = functional residual capacity

Table 7
Sum of residual in diffusing capacity and DLCO/VA

*: Hanyang university Guri Hospital : Asan medical center


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