Journal List > J Korean Acad Nurs > v.47(5) > 1003272

Jeon and Park: Structural Equation Modeling of Self-Management of Liver Transplant Recipients



The purpose of this study was to construct and test a structural equation model of self-management of liver transplant recipients based on self-determination theory.


Participants were 275 outpatients who received liver transplantation. A structured self-report questionnaire was used to assess health care providers’ autonomy support, transplant-related characteristics, illness consequence perception, autonomy, competence, family relatedness, depression and self-management. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS/WIN 24.0 and AMOS 24.0 program.


The modified model showed a good fitness with the data: GFI=.96, RMSEA=.06, CFI=.96, NFI=.93, TLI=.93, PGFI=.43, PNFI=.49. The health care providers’ autonomy support, competence, family relatedness and depression were factors with a direct influence on the self-management of liver transplant recipients. The health care providers’ autonomy support and illness consequence perception had an indirect influence through competence, family relatedness and depression. However, the transplant-related characteristics and autonomy did not have a significant effect on self-management. This model explained 59.4% of the variance in self-management.


The result suggests that continuous education must be done to promote the competence of liver transplant recipients and to encourage the patient to positively perceive their current health condition with a view that enhances one's self-management. Additionally, the liver transplant recipients should be screened for depression, which would affect self-management. Most of all, health care providers, who have the most influence on self-management, should improve therapeutic communication and try to form a therapeutic relationship with the liver transplant recipients.


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Figure 1.
Conceptual framework.
Figure 2.
Path diagram for the modified model.
Table 1.
Demographic and Transplant-related Characteristics of the Participants (N=275)
Variables Categories n (%) M±SD Median (IQR)
Age (yr) 18~39 9 (3.3) 56.85±8.47
40~59 161 (58.5)
60~79 105 (38.2)
Gender Male 210 (76.4)
Female 65 (23.6)
Marital status Married 251 (91.3)
Not married 24 (8.7)
Level of education ≤Middle school 46 (16.7)
High school 105 (38.2)
≥College 124 (45.1)
Religion Yes 189 (68.7)
No 86 (31.3)
Current job status Yes 174 (63.3)
No 101 (36.7)
Monthly family income (10,000 won) ≤100 21 (8.2)
(n=256) 101~300 84 (32.8)
301~500 80 (31.3)
≥501 71 (27.7)
Previous diagnosis HCC Yes HBV LC 107 (38.9)
(n=113) Other 6 (2.2)
No HBV LC 142 (51.6)
(n=162) Acute liver failure 9 (3.3)
Other 11 (4.0)
Type of operation Living donor liver transplantation 233 (84.7)
Deceased donor liver transplantation 42 (15.3)
Duration after operation (yr) 0.1~<1 31 (11.3) 6.43±4.48
1~<5 91 (33.1)
5~<10 93 (33.8)
≥10 60 (21.8)
Total numbers of immunosuppressant types 4.33±2.03
Total numbers of medications 8.25±4.71
Preoperative MELD sore 18.21±10.17
15 (12)
Preoperative CTP sore 8.70±2.57
Total hospital day for operation 42.58±29.49
34 (25)

HCC=Hepatocellular carcinoma; HBV LC=Hepatitis B virus liver cirrhosis; HCV LC=Hepatitis C virus liver cirrhosis; HAV LC=Hepatitis A virus liver cirrhosis; MELD=Model for end-stage liver disease; CTP=Child-Turcotte–Pugh.

Table 2.
Descriptive Statistics and Convergent Validity of Measured Variables (N=275)
Variables Measured range M±SD Skewness Kurtosis Standardized Estimate CCR AVE
Health care providers’ autonomy support 26~98 81.38±13.09 −1.26 2.40 .59~.83 .92 .56
Transplant-related characteristics
   Duration after liver transplantation(yr) 0.1~22.9 6.43±4.47 0.64 0.02
   Total numbers of immunosuppressant types 1~5 4.33±2.03 0.15 −1.32
   Total numbers of medications 1~37 8.25±4.71 1.74 5.52
Illness consequence perception 3~15 7.89±2.40 −0.06 −0.19 .53~.89 .69 .48
Autonomy 5~24 20.48±3.28 −1.42 2.91 .50~.86 .76 .50
   Competence 4~28 20.94±4.77 −0.35 −0.22 .75~.82 .75 .61
Family relatedness 14~50 40.88±6.57 −0.86 1.23 .71~.87 .95 .65
Depression 0~13 3.53±2.76 0.62 0.08 .51~.65 .80 .45
Self-management 31~104 85.83±13.20 −0.89 0.78 .83 .55
   Knowledge 3~16 12.71±2.67 −0.74 0.12 .78~.79
   Partnership in treatment 6~32 28.71±3.96 −2.22 7.54 .55~.77
   Recognition and management of symptoms 1~16 13.37±2.81 −1.61 3.25 .73~.76
   Coping 0~32 24.45±5.90 −0.92 0.91 .59~.91

CCR=Composite construct reliability; AVE=Average variance extracted.

Table 3.
Effects of Predictive Variables in the Modified Model
Endogenous variables Endogenous variables Standardized direct effects (p) Standardized indirect effects (p) Standardized total effects (p) SMC
Autonomy Health care providers’ autonomy support .27 (.002) .27 (.002) .27
Transplant-related characteristics −.13 (.120) .13 (.120)
Illness consequence perception −.38 (.001) −.38 (.001)
Competence Health care providers’ autonomy support .27 (.002) .27 (.002) .18
Transplant-related characteristics −.14 (.091) −.14 (.091)
Illness consequence perception −.24 (.001) −.24 (.001)
Family relatedness Health care providers’ autonomy support .40 (.003) .40 (.003) .21
Transplant-related characteristics .01 (.972) .01 (.972)
Illness consequence perception −.16 (.016) −.16 (.016)
Depression Health care providers’ autonomy support −.19 (.007) −.19 (.007) .21
Transplant-related characteristics .04 (.581) .04 (.581)
Illness consequence perception .39 (.002) .39 (.002)
Self-management Health care providers’ autonomy support .18 (.015) .25 (.002) .43 (.002) .59
Transplant-related characteristics .10 (.118) −.07 (.138) .03 (.625)
Illness consequence perception −.01 (.984) −.22 (.001) −.22 (.002)
Autonomy .05 (.552) .05 (.552)
Competence .42 (.001) .42 (.001)
Family relatedness .23 (.006) .23 (.006)
Depression −.16 (.014) −.16 (.014)

SMC=Squared multiple correlations (R2).

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