Journal List > J Korean Soc Radiol > v.66(6) > 1087132

Kang, Kim, Hwang, Kim, and Kim: Upper Extremity Hemolymphangiomas in Children: A Case Report


Hemolymphangiomas are rare benign soft tissue tumors that arise from congenital malformations of the vascular system. The malformations are usually diagnosed at birth or early in childhood and cases in the extremities have been scarcely reported. We present a very rare case of hemolymphangioma of the right upper extremity in a 7-year-old male. The diagnosis was made by plain radiography and magnetic resonance imaging and finally confirmed by histopathology of the resected specimen. The hemolymphangioma showed a well-defined soft tissue mass with a phlebolith on plain radiography, and a multilocular cystic mass with peripheral and septal enhancement on magnetic resonance imaging.


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