Journal List > J Korean Radiol Soc > v.8(2) > 1138330

Oh and Kwun: The ectopic ureter


Three cases of ectopic ureter were observed among a total of 11,352 new out-patients to the Department ofUrology, Chonnam University Hospital, Kwangju, Korea from April, 1962 to September, 1971. Case I, a 29 year oldhouse-wife was admitted to our hospital on October 2, 1968 under a diagnosis of hypertensive heart disease(B.P.:170/100) with passive pulmonary congestion after a smooth normal delivery 20 days ago. Roentgenological andurological examinations revealed single ureter with ectopic opening to the neck of urinary bladder on the rightside, associated with marked hydronephrosis and hydroureter. On November 20, 1968 the patient received andoperation of ureteroneocystostomy and was discharged on December 5, 1968 with good recovery and normalized bloodpressure. Case II, a 12 year old girl came to our hospital with a chief complaint of urinary incontinence from herchildhood. Roentgenological and urological examinations revealed complete unilateral duplication of the pelvis andureter on the right side with ectopic opening of the superior ureter to the right vagina. The patient received endto side uretero-ureterostomy and was discharged in 7 days after operation without urinary incontinence. Case III,a 16 year old girl visited our hospital with a chief complaint of urinary incontinence from her childhood.Roentgenological and urological examinations revealed complete unilateral duplication of the pelvis and ureter onthe right side with ectopic opening of the superior ureter to the vestibule. The patient received end to sieduretero-ureterostomy and was discharged in 7 days after operation without urinary incontinence. Embryologicaletiology, incidence, age and sex distribution, locations of ectopic opening, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment ofectopic ureter are discussed with a review of literature.

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