Journal List > J Korean Ophthalmol Soc > v.49(1) > 1008033

Kim and Kee: The Effect of Myopic Optical Defocus on the Humphrey Matrix 30-2 Test



To investigate the effect of myopic optical defocus on Humphrey Matrix 30-2 test.


Twenty-nine myopic eyes of 29 patients underwent 2 consecutive tests with the Humphrey Matrix 30-2 threshold program. The first and second tests were performed with and without correction for myopia. Differences between the mean deviation (Δ MD) and the pattern standard deviation (Δ PSD) were calculated, and a correlation between the spherical equivalent (SE) and Δ MD and Δ PSD was investigated. The influence of optical defocus according to the visual field (central and peripheral) and the severity of glaucomatous visual field damage (area with total deviation plot of ‘P<0.1%’ or ‘P<0.5%’ and the other area) were also evaluated.


The correlation between SE and Δ MD was significant (p=0.02, r=0.62). However, the correlation between SE and Δ PSD was not significant (p=0.81, r=0.15). The differences in the mean total deviation printout value of the central and peripheral visual field groups between the two tests were 5.85±4.26dB and 5.66±3.56dB, respectively (P=0.86). The differences in the mean total deviation printout value of severely damaged and less damaged areas between the two tests were 3.16±3.39dB and 6.62±4.62dB, respectively (P<0.01).


Myopic optical defocus has a significant effect on the results of the Humphrey Matrix 30-2 test. There is no difference in the effect of myopia between the central and peripheral visual fields, and the effect is decreased in severely damaged visual fields.


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Figure 1.
Correlations between SE and Δ MD (A: simple linear regression, p=0.02, r=0.62), SE and Δ PSD (B: simple linear regression, p=0.93, r=0.15) (SE: spherical equivalent, Δ MD: differences of mean deviation between the first and the second tests;Δ PSD: differences of pattern standard deviation between the first and the second tests.).
Table 1.
Difference of MD and PSD between the first (with correction) and the second (without correction) tests (MD=mean deviation; PSD=pattern standard deviation)
The first test (with correction) The second test (without correction) P-value
MD (dB) -3.16±3.62* -8.27±4.74* <0.01
PSD (dB) 4.53±1.98* 4.49±1.64* 0.93

* Mean±standard deviation.

Paired T-test.

Table 2.
Changes of glaucoma hemifield test results between the first (with correction) and the second (without correction) tests
Case SE (D) The first test (with correction) The second test (without correction)
1 -8.00 WNL ONL
2 -5.50 WNL Borderline
3 -4.25 WNL Borderline
4 -3.88 Borderline ONL
5 -3.50 WNL Borderline
6 -3.00 WNL ONL
7 -2.88 WNL Borderline

D=diopter; WNL=within normal limit; ONL=outside normal limit; SE=spherical equivalent.

Table 3.
Differences of mean pattern standard printout values between central (within 15 degree from the fixation point) and peripheral visual field (A) and between severely damaged and less damaged visual field (B)
Visual field (VF) Value of total deviation printout (dB, Mean±SD) P-value
A Central VF 5.85±4.26 0.86*
Peripheral VF 5.66±3.56
B Severely damaged 3.16±3.39 <0.01*
VF Less damaged VF 6.62±4.52

* Paired T-test.

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