Journal List > J Korean Acad Oral Health > v.39(4) > 1057660

Kim, Ko, Han, Kim, Jung, You, Ha, Kwon, and Kim: Efficacy of dentifrices containing policresulen in controlling dental plaque and gingivitis formation



This clinical study aimed to investigate if dentifrices containing policresulen would help to control dental plaque and gingivitis.


Seventy-eight eligible adults participated in this double-blind and randomized clinical study after an initial oral examination, calculus removal, and tooth prophylaxis. Two weeks after the procedure, the participants were assigned to three groups using the following dentifrices: (1) a dentifrice containing 0.22% NaF (control group); (2) a dentifrice containing 0.22% NaF and 100 ppm policresulen (policresu-len group); and (3) a dentifrice containing 0.22% NaF, 100 ppm policresulen, and 1.00% bamboo salt (policresulen/bamboo group). The participants used only the provided dentifrice (for 1 min, twice a day, over 8 weeks) when brushing their teeth and followed their normal brushing habits. Dental plaque accumulation and gingivitis measurements were conducted using the Turesky modification of the Quigley-Hein plaque index (PI), the Löe and Silness gingival index (GI), and the percent bleeding on probing (%BOP) to obtain baseline data and 4- and 8-week data after grouping.


A total of 73 participants aged 35.92±11.46 years (mean±SD) completed the study. The results after 8 weeks demonstrated statistically significant group-by-time interactions for PI, GI, and %BOP (P<0.001). The PI observed in the control groups increased over time up to 6%, while that observed in the dentifrice groups containing policresulen decreased by 5% (P<0.001). For GI and %BOP, the control group exhibited significantly higher values after 8 weeks, while the policresulen and the policresulen/ bamboo groups revealed similar index values as the baseline after 4 and 8 weeks. The changes in all indices were significantly different between the control and the two experimental groups. There were no significant differences in the results obtained from the policresulen/bamboo group and the results obtained from the policresulen group.


Use of dentifrices containing policresulen over 8 weeks demonstrated anti-plaque and anti-gingivitis efficacy compared to a control dentifrice.


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Table 1.
Major active ingredients in three dentifrices used in this study
Dentifrice groups Active ingredients and compositions
Control 0.22% sodium fluoride and 14.00% dental type silica
Policresulen 0.22% sodium fluoride, 14.00% dental type silica, and 100 ppm policresulen
Policresulen/Bamboo salt 0.22% sodium fluoride, 14.00% dental type silica, 100 ppm policresulen, and 1.00% bamboo salt
Table 2.
General characteristics of study population
Group Sex Total number of participants (%) Age
Male (%) Female (%) Mean (SD)
Control 11 (44.00) 14 (56.00) 25 (100) 37.80 (12.82)
Policresulen 15 (57.70) 11 (42.30) 26 (100) 35.85 (10.50)
Policresulen/Bamboo salt 10 (45.50) 12 (54.50) 22 (100) 33.91 (11.07)
P-value 0.564* 0.515

SD=standard deviation.

* P-value was obtained by chi-square test to compare differences in proportions among the three groups. P-value was obtained by one-way ANOVA to determine differences in mean age among the three groups.

Table 3.
Changes in plaque index scores of dentifrice groups
Groups Baseline 4-week 8-week P* ∆4-week ∆8-week
Control 3.09 (0.41)a 3.24 (0.34)b 3.27 (0.42)b <0.001 0.15 (0.26)A 0.18 (0.31)A
Policresulen 3.29 (0.37)a 3.20 (0.46)a,b 3.11 (0.44)b ―0.09 (0.28)B ―0.18 (0.33)B
Policresulen/Bamboo salt 3.30 (0.41)a 3.13 (0.35)b 3.12 (0.44)b ―0.16 (0.21)B ―0.18 (0.23)B

All values denote means (standard deviations).

* P-value <0.05 means that there are significant interactions between group and time by repeated measures ANOVA.

a-b Different superscript letters within groups denote significant difference among time points.

A-B Different superscript letters in the same colum, denote significant difference among groups (Scheffé’s post hoc, P<0.05).

∆4-week = PI score obtained 4 weeks after use ― PI score obtained at baseline.

∆8-week = PI score obtained 8 weeks after use ― PI score obtained at baseline.

Table 4.
Changes in gingival index scores of dentifrice groups
Groups Baseline 4-week 8-week P* ∆4-week ∆8-week
Control 0.78 (0.18)a 0.89 (0.23)b 0.97 (0.22)c <0.001 0.11 (0.14)A 0.19 (0.12)A
Policresulen 0.78 (0.11)a 0.76 (0.15)a 0.77 (0.19)a ―0.03 (0.13)B ―0.01 (0.13)B
Policresulen/Bamboo salt 0.77 (0.13)a 0.83 (0.18)a 0.77 (0.16)a 0.06 (0.13)A,B 0.00 (0.13)B

All values denote means (standard deviations).

* P-value <0.05 means that there are significant interactions between group and time by repeated measures ANOVA.

a-c Different superscript letters within groups denote significant difference among time points.

A-B Different superscript letters in the same column denote significant difference among groups (Scheffé’s post hoc, P<0.05).

∆4-week = GI score obtained 4 weeks after use ― GI score obtained at baseline.

∆8-week = GI score obtained 8 weeks after use ― GI score obtained at baseline.

Table 5.
Changes in the percent bleeding on probing of dentifrice groups
Groups Baseline 4-week 8-week P* ∆4-week ∆8-week
Control 29.50 (8.79)a 34.09 (10.57)b 37.42 (11.02)c <0.001 4.60 (7.18)A 7.92 (6.11)A
Policresulen 29.03 (7.50)a 26.52 (7.88)a 28.46 (8.36)a ―2.51 (8.83)B ―0.56 (8.91)B
Policresulen/Bamboo salt 25.92 (6.30)a 27.98 (7.81)a 24.74 (6.52)a 2.06 (6.68)A,B ―1.19 (6.48)B

All values denote means (standard deviations).

* P-value <0.05 means that there are significant interactions between group and time by repeated measures ANOVA.

a-c Different superscript letters within groups denote significant difference among time points.

A-B Different superscript letters in the same column, denote significant difference among groups (Scheffé’s post hoc, P<0.05).

∆4-week = %BOP score obtained 4 weeks after use ― %BOP score obtained at baseline.

∆8-week = %BOP score obtained 8 weeks after use ― %BOP score obtained at baseline.

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