Journal List > Clin Nutr Res > v.8(2) > 1129825

Jang and Bu: Erratum: A Vegetable and Fish Dietary Pattern Is Positively Associated with Skeletal Muscle Mass in Korean Men
After publication of this article (Jang & Bu, 2019), the authors recognized clerical errors on page 3 and 4 of this paper as written below. The changes are underlined.
In page 3, at the end of last paragraph
The equation for skeletal muscle index (SMI) calculation was incorrectly indicated. Correct version of the equation is as follows;
SMI = Total ALM (kg)/BMI(kg/m2)
In page 4, line 8 of the first paragraph
A sentence (Meat was divided into processed or red meat, beverages were divided into alcoholic or non-alcoholic, and the oil was divided into animal fat and plant oil) should be changed.
Beverages were divided into alcoholic or non-alcoholic, and the oil was divided into animal fat and plant oil.
In Table 4, for the line of education variable, “Above high school education” category should be changed to “Below high school education” and vice versa.
Below high school education
Above high school education
In Supplementary Table 1, for the line of education variable, “Above high school education” category should be changed to “Below high school education” and vice versa.
Below high school education
Above high school education
These are clerical errors and do not impact the conclusion of this paper. The authors apologize for potential confusion this mistake may have created.
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