Journal List > Korean J Gynecol Oncol Colposc > v.6(1) > 1123841

Park, Lee, Cho, Chun, and Bae: T and B lymphocyte in Peripheral Blood of Gynecologic Tumor Patients


To investigate the change of T lymphocyte and the subsets in gynecologic tumors, we measured the ratios of T lymphocyte, B lymphocyte and subsets(T4, T8 cells) in patient's peripheral blood by using flowcytometry. In this study, the patients were included 16 benign gynecologic tumor, 110 malignancy and l5 control group. The results obstained were analysed as follows: 1. The ratos of T-cell, B-ce11, T4-cell, T8-cell and T2/T8 were 71.4+/-7.26, 15.5+/-6.16, 42.7+/-7.68, 32.6+/-8.48, and 1.4+/-0.47 respectively. 2. The ratios of T-cell, B-cell,T4-cell, T8-cell and T4/T8 were 66.9+/-8.49, 13.1+/-6.45, 37.9+/-7.89, 30.3+/-7.37 and 1.3+/-0.52 respectively and there were no significant different ratios compared with normal control grouup. 3. There was a significant difference between lymphocyte ratios in 63 cases of pretherapeutic cervical cencer group and normal control group. 4. There was a significant decrement in T-cells in 6 cases of pretherapeutic malignant ovarian tumors compared with normal control group, but there was no signicant differennce in B-cells. 5. There was a significant difference in T-cells of malignant ovarian tumors after chemotherapy arnd operation cornpared with normal control group(P<0.05).

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