Journal List > J Korean Med Assoc > v.46(11) > 1080200

Kim: Lifetime Health Maintenance Program for Koreans


Lifetime Health Maintenance Program (LHMP) is a special type of clinical preventive services that include screening for diseases, counseling and immunization. The Korean Task Force on the LHMP reviews evidence for interventions to prevent over 50 different illnesses and conditions. The problems addressed in this program are common ones encountered every day by primary care physicians in Korea : cardiovascular and infectious diseases, endocrine diseases, cancers, alcohol and smoking-related morbidities, and many others. Primary care clinicians play the key role in screening for many of these problems and immunizing against others. Of equal importance, however, is the clinician's role in counseling patients to change unhealthful behaviors related to diet, smoking, exercise, injuries, and sexually transmitted diseases. The recommendations are stratified by age, sex, and other risk factors.

Figures and Tables

Figure 1
Figure 2
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3


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