Journal List > Korean Circ J > v.1(2) > 1071998

Cha and Kim: A Clinical Study on Straight Back Syndrome


Six cases with Straight back syndrome were reported and studied by physiological, radiological electrocardiographic, phonocardiographic and echocardiographic evidences. They were classified according to A-P diameter and arch distance as Type I, II, III. by Kim's Consideration.
1. It was noticed that "pancake" configuration of heart with or without LVH in chest PA view with subsequent compression of the heart against the sternum and straight thoracic vertebra in lateral view was revealed.
2. Anterior-posterior diameter, and A-P/T ratio of six patients were below the average value.
3. Grade 2-3/6 ejection type systolic murmurs on pulmonary artery area and lateral sternal border or apex were auscultated, but systolic murmur on apex was considered to be insignificant due to normal mitral valve motion by Echocardiogram.
4. On ECG, there was observed one case with atrial fibrillation and the other with sinus bradycardia who had prominant straight thoracic vertebra.
5. There was observed normal mitrla valve motion on Echocardiogram in all six cases.

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