Journal List > J Korean Acad Oral Health > v.40(4) > 1057707

Kim, Jeong, Kim, Ha, Moon, Choi, and Hong: Remineralisation effect of 1,500 ppm fluoride-containing toothpaste in enamel early caries lesion



We compared the effects of a 1,500 ppm fluoride-containing toothpaste and a 1,000 ppm fluoride-containing toothpaste, which were revised up to the recent revision, and evaluated their effects on the tooth surface after adding bamboo salt to the preparations.


Experimental early artificial caries specimens were subjected to one of four treatments (n=12 per treatment group): 1,500 ppm NaF, 2% bamboo salt+1,000 ppm NaF, 1,000 ppm NaF, and control treatment. The specimens were exposed to the experimental toothpaste, artificial saliva, and demineralized solution. The treated specimens were analyzed using Vickers surface hardness testing, scanning electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy.


The toothpaste with a high fluoride concentration (1,500 ppm NaF) showed more remineralization than did the toothpaste with a low fluoride concentration (1,000 ppm NaF). The 2% bamboo salt+1,000 ppm NaF group showed remineralization similar to the 1,500 ppm NaF group and higher surface microhardness than the 1,000 ppm NaF group.


Toothpastes containing 1,500 ppm NaF have a higher preventive effect against dental caries than do toothpastes containing 1,000 ppm NaF. The addition of bamboo salt to fluoride-containing dentifrices improves their effectiveness in preventing dental caries.


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Fig. 1.
SEM images of bovine teeth surface after treatment (A: 1,500 ppm NaF, B: 1,000 ppm NaF+2% BS, C: 1,000 ppm NaF, D: free fluoride, 1: ×50,000, 2: ×100,000).
Fig. 2.
AFM images of bovine teeth surface after treatment (A: 1,500 ppm NaF, B: 1,000 ppm NaF + 2% BS, C: 1,000 ppm NaF, D: free fluoride).
Table 1.
Test groups for the study
Group Fluoride Bamboo salt Abrasive
1 1,500 ppm NaF -
2 1,000 ppm NaF 2% Silica
3 1,000 ppm NaF -
4 Free -
Table 2.
Time table for treatment solution and artificial saliva cycle for the period of 15 days
Time Treatment
09:00-09:03 Treatment Solution (Dentifrice)
09:03-11:00 Artificial Saliva*
11:00-11:03 Treatment Solution (Dentifrice)
11:03-14:00 Artificial Saliva
14:00-17:00 Demineralizing Solution
17:00-17:03 Treatment Solution (Dentifrice)
17:03-Next morning Artificial Saliva

*The artificial saliva used in this study contained; 0.22% Gastric mucin, 0.0381% NaCl, 0.0213% CaCl2·2H2O, 0.0738%, KH2PO4, 0.114% KCl.

Demineralization solution used in this study contained; 0.1M lactic acid 0.2% carbopol solution and 50% saturated HAP.

Table 3.
Effects of the different dentifrices on lesion surface hardness according to chemical cycling methods (unit: VHN)
Group N Treatment
Before (0 day) After (15 day) (△VHN)
1,500 ppm NaF 12 36.57±5.19 146.94±14.16 110.36±15.26a
1,000 ppm NaF+2% BS 12 36.70±5.00 141.33±12.49 104.63±13.23a,b
1,000 ppm NaF 12 36.68±4.94 130.88±17.45 94.19±15.95b
Free Fluoride 12 36.72±4.79 55.54±3.87 18.82±4.71c

BS: Bamboo salt. Values are mean±SD. *P<0.05, by one way ANOVA.

a,b,c The same letter indicates no significant difference by Duncan’s test at α=0.05.

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