Journal List > Ann Dermatol > v.11(3) > 1044562

Choi, Ro, Kim, Hong, and Ro: A Case of Bleomycin induced Streaky Pigmentation and Scleroderma


Bleomycin, a tumoricidal antibiotic agent, may produce unusual cutaneous manifestations such as pigmentation scleroderma, and gangrene.
We report a case of the development of linear streaky pigmentation and cutaneous scleroderma in a patient treated with bleomycin for choriocarcinoma of undescented testis. The patient was 45-year-old male presented with linear brown and slate gray streaking over the trunk and extremities after three cycles of chemotherapy(bleomycin, etoposide, cisplatine). After the fourth cycle of the same chemotherapy, 18 weeks after initiation of bleomycin, the development of cutaneous scleroderma-like conditions was observed involving the same sites. Histopathologic examination showed increased basal pigmentation and thick collagen bundles through the entire dermis, extending to the subcutis.
Herein, we describe a case of streaky pigmentation and scleroderma in association with bleomycin anticancer chemotherapy simultaneously in a patient.

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