Journal List > J Korean Acad Prosthodont > v.53(3) > 1034829

Park, Hong, and Lee: Clinical case of implant restoration using customized healing abutment


Aesthetic impression is emphasized in the recent field of implant restoration. However, there is limitation of creating proper shape of soft tissue as well as cervical emergence profile due to the use of pre-existing healing abutment in the process of initial postoperative soft tissue healing period. Designing the shape of abutment into the final customized abutment instead of its original shape helped to achieve more aesthetic implant restoration by applying healing abutment which could minimize the malposition and recession of soft tissue. In this study, soft tissue healing was promoted using the postoperative customized healing abutment and thereby obtained the result of more aesthetic and functional restoration by minimizing displacement of soft tissue in the process of applying final customized abutment.


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Fig. 1.
Panoramic radiograph on first visit.
Fig. 2.
Postoperative intraoral view. (A) Frontal view, (B, C) Occlusal view, (D, E) Buccal view.
Fig. 3.
Customized healing abutment used in this study. (A) Lateral view of Lt. 2 nd premolar, 1st molar. (B) bottom view of Lt. Mx. 2nd premolar, 1st molar (Raphabio Co., Deagu, Korea).
Fig. 4.
Customized abutment used in this study. (A) Lateral view of Lt. 2 nd premolar, 1 st molar. (B) bottom view of Lt. Mx. 2 nd premolar, 1 st molar (Myplant, Raphabio Co., Deagu, Korea).
Fig. 5.
Clinical photographs of this case. (A) Intra oral photographs of customized healing abutment after surgery (B) Customized abutment connected for final prosthesis (C) final prosthesis.
Fig. 6.
Scanned data was used intraoal scanner. (A) virtual model is scanned after customized healing abutment was removed. (B) virtual model is re-scanned after final abutment was removed. (C) Superimposed images of two scan images.
Fig. 7.
Analysis of difference between the two virtual models (Customized healing abutment used-dotted line / final abutment used-purple line). (A) Showed line to cross section on the superimposed images (B) Cross-sectional view of the buccolingual on Lt. Mx. 2nd premolar (C) Cross-sectional view of the buccolingual on Lt. Mx. 1st molar (D) Cross-sectional views of the mesiodistal Lt. Mx. 2nd premolar and Lt. Mx. 1st molar.
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