Journal List > J Korean Acad Nurs > v.41(3) > 1002711

Kim, Kim, Kim, Kim, and Yoo: Development of a Resource-based Relative Value Scale and Its Conversion Factor for Advanced Nursing Practices in the National Health Insurance



The purpose of this study was to develop a resource-based relative value scale (RBRVS) and its conversion factor for advanced nursing practices carried out by critical care nurse practitioners (CCNP) in intensive care units.


The methodology was developed by calculating CCNP's RBRVS for 32 advanced nursing services based on CCNP's workload and time spent in the context of national health insurance. A cost analysis was performed to estimate the conversion factor of CCNP's RBRVS. The share of CCNP's contribution to fee-for-service in intensive care units was also analyzed.


Calculation of the RBRVS of 32 advanced nursing practices showed a range of points from 100.0 to 1,181.4 and an average of 296.1 points. The relevant conversion factor for advanced nursing practices in CCNP were estimated at 37.3-48.4 won. The contribution rate of CCNP's advanced nursing practices in the relative value scale of the national health insurance was estimated at 0.1-31.3%.


Measuring the economic value of advanced nursing services will be a basis for esta-blishing a reimbursement system for CCNP's practices and thus encourage a social demand for advanced nurse practitioners.

Figures and Tables

Table 1
Relative Value Scale and Conversion Factor of Advanced Nursing Practice in CCNP

CCNP=Critical Care Nurse Practitioner; NIV=Non-Invasive Ventilation; IPV=Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilation; ECMO=ExtraCorporeal Membrane Oxygenation; IABP=Intraaortic Balloon Pump; ACLS=Advanced Cardiac Life Support; CRRT=Continuous Replacement Renal Therapy.

Table 2
Costs of Advanced Nursing Practice in CCNP

*National Health Insurance Code.

CCNP=Critical Care Nurse Practitioner; NIV=Non-Invasive Ventilation; IPV=Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilation; ECMO=ExtraCorporeal Membrane Oxygenation; IABP=Intraaortic Balloon Pump; ACLS=Advanced Cardiac Life Support; CRRT=Continuous Replacement Renal Therapy.

Table 3
Contribution Rate of Advanced Nursing Practice in RVS

*contribution rate.

RVS=Relative Value Scales; NIV=Non-Invasive Ventilation; IPV=Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilation; ECMO=ExtraCorporeal Membrane Oxygenation; IABP=Intraaortic Balloon Pump; ACLS=Advanced Cardiac Life Support; CRRT=Continuous Replacement Renal Therapy.


This work was supported by research grants from Korean Nurses Association.


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