Journal List > Transl Clin Pharmacol > v.23(2) > 1082608

Atkinson: Physiological spaces and multicompartmental pharmacokinetic models


The idea of body compartments has its origins in physiology and antedates their use in both physiologically-based predictive pharmacokinetic models and in the simpler compartmental models used to analyze pharmacokinetic data. Whereas physiologically-based pharmacokinetics has evolved to use increasingly sophisticated organ-based models, most compartmental models for data analysis are used without regard for their underlying physiological basis. However, detailed analysis of inulin and urea kinetics has offered some understanding of the physiological basis underlying some three-compartment pharmacokinetic models. In addition, these simple models have yielded new insight into physiological phenomena.


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Figure 1.
The conventional model of physiological body fluid spaces is shown in Panel A. The current model shown in Panel B is based on evidence that the interstitial fluid space is kinetically heterogeneous with transfer occurring more rapidly across splanchnic than somatic capillaries. In most cases physiological spaces have been measured by injecting marker compounds into the intravascular space. Their elimination is also assumed to occur from this compartment. IVS = intravascular space, ISF = interstitial fluid space, ICF = intracellular fluid space.
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