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Value of the Frontal Assessment Battery Tool for Assessing the Frontal Lobe Function in Stroke PatientsValue of the Frontal Assessment Battery Tool for Assessing the Frontal Lobe Function in Stroke Patients
Mihyang Han, Da-Ye Kim, Ja-Ho Leigh, Min-Wook KimMihyang Han, Da-Ye Kim, Ja-Ho Leigh, Min-Wook Kim
KMSID: 1150802 Ann Rehabil Med. 2020;44(4):261-272. Published online 2020 July 28 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5535/arm.19111 |
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Ultrasound Imaging of the Trunk Muscles in Acute Stroke Patients and Relations With Balance ScalesUltrasound Imaging of the Trunk Muscles in Acute Stroke Patients and Relations With Balance Scales
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KMSID: 1150805 Ann Rehabil Med. 2020;44(4):273-283. Published online 2020 July 28 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5535/arm.19125 |
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Preliminary Clinical Trial of Balance Compensation System for Improvement of Balance in Patients With Spinocerebellar AtaxiaPreliminary Clinical Trial of Balance Compensation System for Improvement of Balance in Patients With Spinocerebellar Ataxia
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Relationship Between Line Bisection Test Time and Hemispatial Neglect Prognosis in Patients With Stroke: A Prospective Pilot StudyRelationship Between Line Bisection Test Time and Hemispatial Neglect Prognosis in Patients With Stroke: A Prospective Pilot Study
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The Formula for Health and Well-Being in Individuals With Cerebral Palsy: Cross-Sectional Data on Physical Activity, Sleep, and NutritionThe Formula for Health and Well-Being in Individuals With Cerebral Palsy: Cross-Sectional Data on Physical Activity, Sleep, and Nutrition
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A Fully Immersive Virtual Reality Method for Upper Limb Rehabilitation in Spinal Cord InjuryA Fully Immersive Virtual Reality Method for Upper Limb Rehabilitation in Spinal Cord Injury
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Flat Foot and Postural Harmony in 6-Year-Old Caucasians: What is Their Relationship?Flat Foot and Postural Harmony in 6-Year-Old Caucasians: What is Their Relationship?
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Effect of a Multicomponent Intervention Program on Community-Dwelling People With Intellectual DisabilitiesEffect of a Multicomponent Intervention Program on Community-Dwelling People With Intellectual Disabilities
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Unilateral Diaphragm Paralysis Associated With Neurosyphilis: A Case ReportUnilateral Diaphragm Paralysis Associated With Neurosyphilis: A Case Report
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KMSID: 1150817 Ann Rehabil Med. 2020;44(4):338-341. Published online 2020 July 28 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5535/arm.19216 |