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Effect of Caregiver Driven Robot-Assisted In-Ward Training in Subacute Stroke Patients: A Case SeriesEffect of Caregiver Driven Robot-Assisted In-Ward Training in Subacute Stroke Patients: A Case Series
Sang Beom Kim, Kyeong Woo Lee, Jong Hwa Lee, Sook Joung Lee, Jin Gee Park, Joo Won ParkSang Beom Kim, Kyeong Woo Lee, Jong Hwa Lee, Sook Joung Lee, Jin Gee Park, Joo Won Park
KMSID: 1150423 Ann Rehabil Med. 2018;42(2):195-203. Published online 2018 April 30 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5535/arm.2018.42.2.195 |
204 |
Characteristics of Cricopharyngeal Dysphagia After Ischemic StrokeCharacteristics of Cricopharyngeal Dysphagia After Ischemic Stroke
Hyuna Yang, Youbin Yi, Yong Han, Hyun Jung KimHyuna Yang, Youbin Yi, Yong Han, Hyun Jung Kim
KMSID: 1150424 Ann Rehabil Med. 2018;42(2):204-212. Published online 2018 April 30 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5535/arm.2018.42.2.204 |
213 |
Predictive Variables for Sonographically Guided Corticosteroid Injection in Mild-to-Moderate Carpal Tunnel SyndromePredictive Variables for Sonographically Guided Corticosteroid Injection in Mild-to-Moderate Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Seong Yun Chung, Jung Min Kwak, Seok Kang, Seong-Ho Son, Jae Do Kim, Joon Shik YoonSeong Yun Chung, Jung Min Kwak, Seok Kang, Seong-Ho Son, Jae Do Kim, Joon Shik Yoon
KMSID: 1150425 Ann Rehabil Med. 2018;42(2):213-221. Published online 2018 April 30 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5535/arm.2018.42.2.213 |
222 |
Clinical and Biomechanical Effects of Low-Dye Taping and Figure-8 Modification of Low-Dye Taping in Patients With Heel Pad AtrophyClinical and Biomechanical Effects of Low-Dye Taping and Figure-8 Modification of Low-Dye Taping in Patients With Heel Pad Atrophy
You Hyeon Chae, Joo Sup Kim, Yeon Kang, Hyun Young Kim, Tae Im YiYou Hyeon Chae, Joo Sup Kim, Yeon Kang, Hyun Young Kim, Tae Im Yi
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229 |
Effects of Repetitive Peripheral Magnetic Stimulation on Patients With Acute Low Back Pain: A Pilot StudyEffects of Repetitive Peripheral Magnetic Stimulation on Patients With Acute Low Back Pain: A Pilot Study
Young-Ho Lim, Ji Min Song, Eun-Hi Choi, Jang Woo LeeYoung-Ho Lim, Ji Min Song, Eun-Hi Choi, Jang Woo Lee
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Gender-Related Differences in Reliability of Thorax, Lumbar, and Pelvis Kinematics During Gait in Patients With Non-specific Chronic Low Back PainGender-Related Differences in Reliability of Thorax, Lumbar, and Pelvis Kinematics During Gait in Patients With Non-specific Chronic Low Back Pain
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250 |
Effects of Very High Stimulation Frequency and Wide-Pulse Duration on Stimulated Force and Fatigue of Quadriceps in Healthy ParticipantsEffects of Very High Stimulation Frequency and Wide-Pulse Duration on Stimulated Force and Fatigue of Quadriceps in Healthy Participants
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Quantitative Measurement of Muscle Atrophy and Fat Infiltration of the Supraspinatus Muscle Using Ultrasonography After Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff RepairQuantitative Measurement of Muscle Atrophy and Fat Infiltration of the Supraspinatus Muscle Using Ultrasonography After Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair
Yong Ki Kim, Eun Seok Choi, Keon Tae Kim, Jung Ro Yoon, Sang Han ChaeYong Ki Kim, Eun Seok Choi, Keon Tae Kim, Jung Ro Yoon, Sang Han Chae
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Pressure Relieving Effect of Adding a Pelvic Well Pad to a Wheelchair Cushion in Individuals With Spinal Cord InjuryPressure Relieving Effect of Adding a Pelvic Well Pad to a Wheelchair Cushion in Individuals With Spinal Cord Injury
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KMSID: 1150431 Ann Rehabil Med. 2018;42(2):270-276. Published online 2018 April 30 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5535/arm.2018.42.2.270 |
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Determinants of Hip and Femoral Deformities in Children With Spastic Cerebral PalsyDeterminants of Hip and Femoral Deformities in Children With Spastic Cerebral Palsy
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286 |
Relationship Between Functional Level and Muscle Thickness in Young Children With Cerebral PalsyRelationship Between Functional Level and Muscle Thickness in Young Children With Cerebral Palsy
Yeo Reum Choe, Joo Sup Kim, Kee Hoon Kim, Tae Im YiYeo Reum Choe, Joo Sup Kim, Kee Hoon Kim, Tae Im Yi
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The Validity of Two Neuromotor Assessments for Predicting Motor Performance at 12 Months in Preterm InfantsThe Validity of Two Neuromotor Assessments for Predicting Motor Performance at 12 Months in Preterm Infants
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KMSID: 1150435 Ann Rehabil Med. 2018;42(2):296-304. Published online 2018 April 30 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5535/arm.2018.42.2.296 |
305 |
Visual Evoked Potential in Children With Developmental Disorders: Correlation With Neurodevelopmental OutcomesVisual Evoked Potential in Children With Developmental Disorders: Correlation With Neurodevelopmental Outcomes
JaYoung Kim, In Young Sung, Eun Jae Ko, Minji JungJaYoung Kim, In Young Sung, Eun Jae Ko, Minji Jung
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313 |
Comparison of Second and Third Editions of the Bayley Scales in Children With Suspected Developmental DelayComparison of Second and Third Editions of the Bayley Scales in Children With Suspected Developmental Delay
You Gyoung Yi, In Young Sung, Jin Sook YukYou Gyoung Yi, In Young Sung, Jin Sook Yuk
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Reference Value for Infrapatellar Branch of Saphenous Nerve Conduction Study: Cadaveric and Clinical StudyReference Value for Infrapatellar Branch of Saphenous Nerve Conduction Study: Cadaveric and Clinical Study
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329 |
Validation of Korean Version of the London Chest Activity of Daily Living Scale in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseValidation of Korean Version of the London Chest Activity of Daily Living Scale in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
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Disability Measurement for Korean Community-Dwelling Adults With Stroke: Item-Level Psychometric Analysis of the Korean Longitudinal Study of AgeingDisability Measurement for Korean Community-Dwelling Adults With Stroke: Item-Level Psychometric Analysis of the Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing
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346 |
Amount of Weight-Bearing During Tilt Table Inclination, With Neutral and Unilateral Knee Flexion PosturesAmount of Weight-Bearing During Tilt Table Inclination, With Neutral and Unilateral Knee Flexion Postures
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KMSID: 1150442 Ann Rehabil Med. 2018;42(2):346-351. Published online 2018 April 30 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5535/arm.2018.42.2.346 |
352 |
Intraoperative Monitoring of Hypoglossal Nerve Using Hypoglossal Motor Evoked Potential in Infratentorial Tumor Surgery: A Report of Two CasesIntraoperative Monitoring of Hypoglossal Nerve Using Hypoglossal Motor Evoked Potential in Infratentorial Tumor Surgery: A Report of Two Cases
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358 |
Botulinum Toxin Injection in the Treatment of Postextubation Dysphagia: A Case ReportBotulinum Toxin Injection in the Treatment of Postextubation Dysphagia: A Case Report
Byung Wook Kim, Hee-Ju Kim, Jung Keun Hyun, Seo Young Kim, Tae Uk KimByung Wook Kim, Hee-Ju Kim, Jung Keun Hyun, Seo Young Kim, Tae Uk Kim
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Botulinum Toxin-A Injection in the Treatment of Spasticity in a Infantile-Onset Neurodegeneration With Brain Iron Accumulation: A Case ReportBotulinum Toxin-A Injection in the Treatment of Spasticity in a Infantile-Onset Neurodegeneration With Brain Iron Accumulation: A Case Report
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KMSID: 1150445 Ann Rehabil Med. 2018;42(2):363-367. Published online 2018 April 30 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5535/arm.2018.42.2.363 |
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Successful Management of Acquired Tracheomalacia of Patients With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Report of Three CasesSuccessful Management of Acquired Tracheomalacia of Patients With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Report of Three Cases
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Comment on “Effect of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy Versus Intra-articular Injections of Hyaluronic Acid for the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis”Comment on “Effect of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy Versus Intra-articular Injections of Hyaluronic Acid for the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis”
Valter Santilli, Federica Alviti, Marco Paoloni, Massimiliano Mangone, Andrea BernettiValter Santilli, Federica Alviti, Marco Paoloni, Massimiliano Mangone, Andrea Bernetti
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In Reply: Comment on “Effect of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy Versus Intra-articular Injections of Hyaluronic Acid for the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis”In Reply: Comment on “Effect of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy Versus Intra-articular Injections of Hyaluronic Acid for the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis”
June-Kyung Lee, Bong-Yeon Lee, Woo-Yong Shin, Min-Ji An, Kwang-Ik Jung, Seo-Ra YoonJune-Kyung Lee, Bong-Yeon Lee, Woo-Yong Shin, Min-Ji An, Kwang-Ik Jung, Seo-Ra Yoon
KMSID: 1150448 Ann Rehabil Med. 2018;42(2):374-374. Published online 2018 April 30 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5535/arm.2018.42.2.374 |