7 results

101 Anxiety disorder in children and adolescents
Boong-Nyun Kim
KMSID: 1084443   J Korean Dent Soc Anesthesiol. 2007;7(2):101-106.   Published online 2016 May 31    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17245/jkdsa.2007.7.2.101
107 Definition and Control of Anxiety and Fear
Byung-Joo Ham
KMSID: 1143390   J Korean Dent Soc Anesthesiol. 2007;7(2):107-113.   Published online 2016 May 31    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17245/jkdsa.2007.7.2.107
114 Sedation for Dental Treatment of Patients with Disabilities
Jung-Ho Bing, Jae-Yoon Jeon, Se-Hwa Jung, Kyung-Gyun Hwang, Chang-Joo Park, Kwang-Suk Seo, Hyun-Jeong Kim, Kwang-Won Yum, Kwang-Sup Shim
KMSID: 1143391   J Korean Dent Soc Anesthesiol. 2007;7(2):114-119.   Published online 2016 May 31    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17245/jkdsa.2007.7.2.114
120 Safety and Availability of Monitored-Anesthesia Care using Propofol during Implant Surgery of the One-day Admission Patients
Bum-Soo Kim, Young-Kyun Kim, Pil-Young Yun, Yong-In Lee
KMSID: 1084446   J Korean Dent Soc Anesthesiol. 2007;7(2):120-125.   Published online 2016 May 31    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17245/jkdsa.2007.7.2.120
126 Failure of Intravenous Sedation due to Significant Hypertension: A Case Report
Se-Wook Koh
KMSID: 1084447   J Korean Dent Soc Anesthesiol. 2007;7(2):126-130.   Published online 2016 May 31    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17245/jkdsa.2007.7.2.126
131 Diplopia after Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block Anesthesia: A Case Report
Eun Hae Choi, Ji-Young Seo, Bock-Young Jung, Sung-Tae Kim, Kee-Deog Kim, Wonse Park
KMSID: 1084449   J Korean Dent Soc Anesthesiol. 2007;7(2):131-134.   Published online 2016 May 31    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17245/jkdsa.2007.7.2.131
135 Dental Treatment of a Patient with Hallervorden-Spatz Disease under General Anesthesia: A Case Report
Yong-Ki Lee, Kwang-Suk Seo, Hyun-Jeong Kim, Kwang-Won Yum, Byung-Deok Ahn
KMSID: 1084450   J Korean Dent Soc Anesthesiol. 2007;7(2):135-138.   Published online 2016 May 31    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17245/jkdsa.2007.7.2.135
Articles from Journal of the Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology are provided here courtesy of The Korean Dental Society of Anesthsiology